Battle of New Orleans.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
HMS Atalante-- Part 4: Pretty Good Prize Sailing
Movements of the Atalante:
31 MARCH 1813: Captured the American schooners President and Rising while on the North America & West Indies Station.
2 APRIL 1813: Captured American schooner Centurion and ship Fame while on North American & W. Indies Station.
13 APRIL 1813: Arrived at Halifax with the four American ships after cruising off coast of New York.
23 APRIL 1813: Captured American brig Lilac on North American & West Indies Station. Sent it to Halifax.
24 APRIL 1813: Sailed on a cruise (must have been the one involving the Nova Scotian privateer Crown.
The Story of a Ship. --Brock-Perry
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Bluenoses Made Out Like Bandits-- Part 6: The Crown
Continued from July 27th.
Solomon Jennings was still mad about the HMS Atalante cutting in on his prize and especially impressing two of his sailors, but sailed out again with just a crew of 19.
Sailing along the coast of Maine, he captured two or three small American ships. On April 30th, the Crown chased the sloop Increase, mounting six guns (to the Crown's one) and a crew of 80.
Jennings did not know that the Increase was out to act a lure to catch the schooner HMS Bream. The Crown was defeated and crew taken prisoner until exchanged.
The Vice Admiralty Court eventually decided that the Sibac was a joint capture.
Sure Made Jennings' Day. --Brock-Perry
Monday, July 29, 2013
Back to Those Run-On Paragraphs
Sigh!! Br5ock-Perry
HMS Atalante-- Part 3: Convoy Duty
The Naval Database site says the Atalante sank November 10, 1813, off the Halifax Lighthouse.
Some of the Atalante's career:
12 OCT. 1812-- At Portsmouth, England--ordered to escort convoy to North America.
11 NOV. 1812-- departed Spithead, England, for Halifax, Canada.
15 NOV. 1812, the barks Agnes and Barrett left the convoy and were later captured by the American privateer Hunter. A prize crew was put aboard the Agnes and headed for Boston, but contrary winds prevented the ship from reaching that destination.
Running short of supplies, the Agnes' prize crew sailed her into Halifax, arriving there 9 Feb. 1813, after a 90 day passage. This is an interesting story in itself. I'll have to look into it.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Why It Takes So Long to Do This Blog
This would also apply to my other six blogs.
I get started with an article and one things leads to another, until I am several related subjects away.
The last several days it started with Nova Scotia privateers during the War of 1812. That led to the term "Bluenoses." Then, the Nova Scotian privateer Crown which had a prize taken away by a bigger British ship.
That ship was the HMS Altalante which was eventually wrecked at Sambro Island (Halifax) Lighthouse, where another ship was wrecked in 1920, the Norwegian freighter Romsdalfjord. Then I got into some of the Atalante's cruises and captures while serving on the British North America and West Indies Stattion, something else I had to look up.
By the way, the Sambro Island Lighthouse is the oldest surviving North American lighthouse.
Then, there is the story of the American privateer Young Teazer which captured two ships off the light, then was chased and blew up casing the so-called Teazer Light (spooky).
I will be writing more about these things.
Well, That's Why. One Thing leads to Another. --Brock-Perry
I get started with an article and one things leads to another, until I am several related subjects away.
The last several days it started with Nova Scotia privateers during the War of 1812. That led to the term "Bluenoses." Then, the Nova Scotian privateer Crown which had a prize taken away by a bigger British ship.
That ship was the HMS Altalante which was eventually wrecked at Sambro Island (Halifax) Lighthouse, where another ship was wrecked in 1920, the Norwegian freighter Romsdalfjord. Then I got into some of the Atalante's cruises and captures while serving on the British North America and West Indies Stattion, something else I had to look up.
By the way, the Sambro Island Lighthouse is the oldest surviving North American lighthouse.
Then, there is the story of the American privateer Young Teazer which captured two ships off the light, then was chased and blew up casing the so-called Teazer Light (spooky).
I will be writing more about these things.
Well, That's Why. One Thing leads to Another. --Brock-Perry
The HMS Atalante (Atalanta)-- Part 2: The Wreck
Continued from the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic site.
The Altalante was headed for Halifax, returning from a patrol with dispatches. In heavy fog, despite heavy precautions, it struck the dreaded Blind Sisters ledge near Sambro Island. The bottom of the ship ripped open and it broke in two.
Due to the efforts of its captain and well-disciplined crew, all 79 men and 1 woman survived.
The Atalante's Captain, the same Frederick Hickey who commanded the ship when it cut in on the Crown's prize, was acquitted of blame for the ship's sinking.
Stay Off the Ledge. --Brock-Perry
The Altalante was headed for Halifax, returning from a patrol with dispatches. In heavy fog, despite heavy precautions, it struck the dreaded Blind Sisters ledge near Sambro Island. The bottom of the ship ripped open and it broke in two.
Due to the efforts of its captain and well-disciplined crew, all 79 men and 1 woman survived.
The Atalante's Captain, the same Frederick Hickey who commanded the ship when it cut in on the Crown's prize, was acquitted of blame for the ship's sinking.
Stay Off the Ledge. --Brock-Perry
The HMS Atalante (Atalanta)-- Part 1
In the last post, I wrote about the problems the Nova Scota privateer Crown had with the British warship HMS Atalante when it claimed part of the capture of the American brig Sibac. It sure sounded like the Atalante was late on the scene, but decided to cut in on the prize money the Sibac would bring, When the Crown's Captain Jennings complained, the Atalante's Captain Hickey impressed two of his crew.
Time to do some research on the HMS Atalante and there wasn't much. I did find more on a previous HMS Atalante which was a captured French ship that sank in 1807.
But, the Atalante (also called the Atalanta) in question with the Crown Affair was an 18-gun sloop launched in 1808 and wrecked in 1813 according to Wikipedia, which does not have an article on it.
The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, in its On the Rocks: Find a Wreck site said the HMS Altalante was 107 feet long, had three masts and was one of six Bermuda-class sloops.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
Time to do some research on the HMS Atalante and there wasn't much. I did find more on a previous HMS Atalante which was a captured French ship that sank in 1807.
But, the Atalante (also called the Atalanta) in question with the Crown Affair was an 18-gun sloop launched in 1808 and wrecked in 1813 according to Wikipedia, which does not have an article on it.
The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, in its On the Rocks: Find a Wreck site said the HMS Altalante was 107 feet long, had three masts and was one of six Bermuda-class sloops.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
Bluenoses Made Out Like Bandits-- Part 5: The Privateer Crown's Problems With the HMS Atalante
Two days into the first cruise in April 1813, they spotted and chased a ship five times bigger than the Crown. After a two and a half hour chase, they captured the brig Sibac of Boston, put on a prize crew and transferred the Sibac's seven-man crew to the Crown in handcuffs.
The crew was not happy when the HMS Atalante arrived on the scene and claimed partial capture so it could get a cut of the prize money.
Captain Solomon Jennings of the Crown so loudly protested that British Captain Frederick of the Atalante forced two of the Crown's crew into the Royal Navy, which was a highly unusual action when dealing with British privateers.
The Vice Admiralty in Halifax did not hear the case for several months. In the meantime Jennings put into Shelburne and discharged his prisoners and replaced the two crew that had been impressed.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
The crew was not happy when the HMS Atalante arrived on the scene and claimed partial capture so it could get a cut of the prize money.
Captain Solomon Jennings of the Crown so loudly protested that British Captain Frederick of the Atalante forced two of the Crown's crew into the Royal Navy, which was a highly unusual action when dealing with British privateers.
The Vice Admiralty in Halifax did not hear the case for several months. In the meantime Jennings put into Shelburne and discharged his prisoners and replaced the two crew that had been impressed.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Bluenoses Made Out Like Bandits-- Part 4: the Privateers
Some Halifax privateer ships of note: Crown, Sir John Sherbrooke, Fly, Weazel and George.
Some Liverpool privateer ships: Retaliation, Wolverine (Hey, a movie of that name is coming out), Rolla, Shannon, Lively, Rover, Minerva, Saucy Jack, Dart and the Dove.
Annapolis privateers: Royal, Matilda and the Broke.
Also, the Retrieve operated out of Windsor and the Lunenburg operated out of Lunenburg.
The Crown, out of Halifax, was commissioned in February 1813 under Captain Solomon Jennings. It was 12 metres long and had a crew of 30, many just boys. Its armament consisted of one 9-pound carronade. Privateers preferred carronades to long guns.
Carronade cannons were lighter, used less powder, took up less room and were cheaper.
When a Long Just Won't Do. --Brock-Perry
Some Liverpool privateer ships: Retaliation, Wolverine (Hey, a movie of that name is coming out), Rolla, Shannon, Lively, Rover, Minerva, Saucy Jack, Dart and the Dove.
Annapolis privateers: Royal, Matilda and the Broke.
Also, the Retrieve operated out of Windsor and the Lunenburg operated out of Lunenburg.
The Crown, out of Halifax, was commissioned in February 1813 under Captain Solomon Jennings. It was 12 metres long and had a crew of 30, many just boys. Its armament consisted of one 9-pound carronade. Privateers preferred carronades to long guns.
Carronade cannons were lighter, used less powder, took up less room and were cheaper.
When a Long Just Won't Do. --Brock-Perry
Bluenoses Made Out Like Bandits-- Part 3
And, they would be considered to be essentially bandits as far as the Americans were concerned (who had their own privateers).
Prizes (ships captured by the Nova Scotia privateers) were adjucated by the Vice-Admiralty Court at Halifax. These proceedings sometimes could take months. I f it was found that the prize was taken legally, the ship and its cargo would be put up for auction.
Officers and sailors on the privateers received no wages, but were given shares of captured property. Their take from the auction would be from what was left after the owners of the ships and captains took their big shares. Of course, officers got bigger shares than the crew.
(Oops. It appears I hit some sort key and now have this pring style which will continue as I have no idea how to change it.)
I'll Stop to See If the New Style Continues In the Next Post. --Brock-Perry
Prizes (ships captured by the Nova Scotia privateers) were adjucated by the Vice-Admiralty Court at Halifax. These proceedings sometimes could take months. I f it was found that the prize was taken legally, the ship and its cargo would be put up for auction.
Officers and sailors on the privateers received no wages, but were given shares of captured property. Their take from the auction would be from what was left after the owners of the ships and captains took their big shares. Of course, officers got bigger shares than the crew.
(Oops. It appears I hit some sort key and now have this pring style which will continue as I have no idea how to change it.)
I'll Stop to See If the New Style Continues In the Next Post. --Brock-Perry
Monday, July 22, 2013
So, What Exactly Is a Bluenose?
I had never heard the term before reading this article. I supposed it had something to do with seafaring or privateers.
According to Wikipedia, it was originally a name applied to people from Nova Scotia, Canada in the early 18th century.
The Dictionary says the term is used for inhabitants of Canada's Maritime Provinces, especially Nova Scotia. In nautical slang, it means a ship from Nova Scotia or a sailor on one of those ships.
Originally considered a derisive name before the Loyalists (I imagine American Loyalists going there after independence). Allegedly it comes from a variety of potatoes which have bluish tips.
There have also been some famous Nova Scotian racing ships with that name.
So, Now You Know. --Brock-Perry
According to Wikipedia, it was originally a name applied to people from Nova Scotia, Canada in the early 18th century.
The Dictionary says the term is used for inhabitants of Canada's Maritime Provinces, especially Nova Scotia. In nautical slang, it means a ship from Nova Scotia or a sailor on one of those ships.
Originally considered a derisive name before the Loyalists (I imagine American Loyalists going there after independence). Allegedly it comes from a variety of potatoes which have bluish tips.
There have also been some famous Nova Scotian racing ships with that name.
So, Now You Know. --Brock-Perry
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Bluenoses Made Out Like Bandits-- Part 2
Ownership of privateers were usually spread out among two or three partners. Prize ship cargoes were sold at auction in Halifax and then resold. On more than one occasion, the cargoes were resold to Americans.
Privateers carried guns in varying numbers and sizes.
In order to be a privateer, you needed a Letter of Marque, a license issued by Nova Scotia;s lieutenat governor. Without one, the privateer's actions would be considered piracy. Of course, it was still piracy to Americans and vice-versa.
Owners had to post 1,500 pounds to 3000 pounds as a bond for good behavior.
Privateers carried guns in varying numbers and sizes.
In order to be a privateer, you needed a Letter of Marque, a license issued by Nova Scotia;s lieutenat governor. Without one, the privateer's actions would be considered piracy. Of course, it was still piracy to Americans and vice-versa.
Owners had to post 1,500 pounds to 3000 pounds as a bond for good behavior.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Bluenoses Made Out Like Bandits-- Part 1
From the September 9, 2012, Halifax (Canada) Herald "A few bluenoses made out like bandits in 1812 tussle with the U.S." by John Boileau.
The main contribution of Nova Scotia was privateers. And, in case you're wondering, bluenoses must be another name for privateer captain even though I have never heard of the term before. Several dozen bluenoses sailed in as many as three dozen privateers and brought in more than 200 prizes and several became quite wealthy.
One was Liverpool's Enos Colins, owner of the colony's most famous privateer, the Liverpool Packet which took its first prize September 7, 1812. Collins probably claimed 30,000 pounds from his privateering investments.
A third of Nova Scotia's privateers took no prizes and almost a quarter of them were captured, burnt or lost.
So, Bluenose, Really? --Brock-Perry
The main contribution of Nova Scotia was privateers. And, in case you're wondering, bluenoses must be another name for privateer captain even though I have never heard of the term before. Several dozen bluenoses sailed in as many as three dozen privateers and brought in more than 200 prizes and several became quite wealthy.
One was Liverpool's Enos Colins, owner of the colony's most famous privateer, the Liverpool Packet which took its first prize September 7, 1812. Collins probably claimed 30,000 pounds from his privateering investments.
A third of Nova Scotia's privateers took no prizes and almost a quarter of them were captured, burnt or lost.
So, Bluenose, Really? --Brock-Perry
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
The USS Constitution Sets Sail Again-- Part 3
Continued from July 3rd.
All the iron in the Constitution, Old Ironsides but named for its wooden hull, came from the northwest hills of Connecticut which has a rich vein of the iron hematite. This iron was forged at the Mt. Riga blast furnace in Salisbury, Connecticut. The 44 cannons were also forged there.
One of Isaac Hull's lieutenants during its famous fight with the HMS Guerriere was Glastonburg, Ct., native George Campbell Read. Hull asked Read to accept the Guerriere's surrender.
The same George Read was on the USS United States on October 25, 1812, under the command of Stephen Decatur when it captured the HMS Macedonian, the second British ship captured during the war.
The same George Read even commanded the USS Constitution for a short month in 1826.
Commodore Oscar C. Badger, born in Mansfield, Ct., commanded the Constitution from January 9, 1878 to August 2, 1879. His son and grandson went on to become US Navy admirals. His cousin, George E. Badger, was the 12th Secretary of the Navy. Five different naval ships have been named for these four men, most recently, the DE-1071 which served from 1970 to 1988.
Now You Know. --Brock-Perry
All the iron in the Constitution, Old Ironsides but named for its wooden hull, came from the northwest hills of Connecticut which has a rich vein of the iron hematite. This iron was forged at the Mt. Riga blast furnace in Salisbury, Connecticut. The 44 cannons were also forged there.
One of Isaac Hull's lieutenants during its famous fight with the HMS Guerriere was Glastonburg, Ct., native George Campbell Read. Hull asked Read to accept the Guerriere's surrender.
The same George Read was on the USS United States on October 25, 1812, under the command of Stephen Decatur when it captured the HMS Macedonian, the second British ship captured during the war.
The same George Read even commanded the USS Constitution for a short month in 1826.
Commodore Oscar C. Badger, born in Mansfield, Ct., commanded the Constitution from January 9, 1878 to August 2, 1879. His son and grandson went on to become US Navy admirals. His cousin, George E. Badger, was the 12th Secretary of the Navy. Five different naval ships have been named for these four men, most recently, the DE-1071 which served from 1970 to 1988.
Now You Know. --Brock-Perry
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Canada's War of 1812 Monument Sculptor Chosen
From the June 27, 2013 Toronto (Canada) Star "Toronto sculptor Adrienne Alison creates monument to War of 1812" by Murray Whyte.
Adrienne Alison has been commissioned to create Canada's official War of 1812 monument to be placed on Parliament Hill next September.
The statue will feature seven individual figures who figured in the war and is 3 metres tall by four metres wide. Total cost of the monument will be $2 million.
Good Work If You Can Get It. --Brock-Perry
Adrienne Alison has been commissioned to create Canada's official War of 1812 monument to be placed on Parliament Hill next September.
The statue will feature seven individual figures who figured in the war and is 3 metres tall by four metres wide. Total cost of the monument will be $2 million.
Good Work If You Can Get It. --Brock-Perry
Hey, Looks Like I Got My Paragraphs Back
Not sure if I did something or Blogspot did. But, anyway, they're back!!!
"Ain't" It Sweet? --Brock Perry
"Ain't" It Sweet? --Brock Perry
New Orleans' Fort Pike Reopens
From the June 25, 2013, New Orleans Picayune-Times "Fort Pike set to reopen after being pounded by Hurricane Isaac."
I always love that name Picayune. Wonder where they got it or what it means?
The old fort is set to reopen July 2nd after repairs caused by Hurricane Issac. On the city's eastern edge and built after the War of 1812 to protect New Orleans (after the famous British attack in 1815 ended up in the famous American victory at the Battle of New Orleans).
It is a state historic site open 9 AM to 5 PM everyday but Monday when it is closed and located on US-90 at Rigolets.
Hurricane Isaac struck August 2012 and it cost $660,000 to repair damage, a lot of it from the 3-4 feet of marsh grass and mus that relocated to the fort's interior. It had been closed for more than two years after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and closed again in 2008 after Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.
I had never heard of this fort before I started this blog (and did come across it in my Civil War blog). It was built to defend the navigation channel into New Orleans and covers 94-acres today. Cost to get in is $4 and it was originally armed with a 32-pounder and several 24-pounder cannons. During wartime, its garrison was 400 and 80 during peacetime.
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972.
Next Time in New Orleans. --Brock-Perry
I always love that name Picayune. Wonder where they got it or what it means?
The old fort is set to reopen July 2nd after repairs caused by Hurricane Issac. On the city's eastern edge and built after the War of 1812 to protect New Orleans (after the famous British attack in 1815 ended up in the famous American victory at the Battle of New Orleans).
It is a state historic site open 9 AM to 5 PM everyday but Monday when it is closed and located on US-90 at Rigolets.
Hurricane Isaac struck August 2012 and it cost $660,000 to repair damage, a lot of it from the 3-4 feet of marsh grass and mus that relocated to the fort's interior. It had been closed for more than two years after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and closed again in 2008 after Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.
I had never heard of this fort before I started this blog (and did come across it in my Civil War blog). It was built to defend the navigation channel into New Orleans and covers 94-acres today. Cost to get in is $4 and it was originally armed with a 32-pounder and several 24-pounder cannons. During wartime, its garrison was 400 and 80 during peacetime.
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972.
Next Time in New Orleans. --Brock-Perry
Monday, July 15, 2013
Still Have These Doggone Long Paragraphs
Thanks a lot Blogspot. Help. Well, I tried to use darn.
The War at the Virginia War Museum-- Part 2
The Virginia Manufactory of Arms in Richmond dated to back when the state still was an industrial leader.
The town of Smithfield, Virginia, was saved by the militia and the British were temporarily stalled by the effectiveness of the militia's Rutherford rifles at Hampton.
At the Battle of Craney Island, the Virginia militia aided by Navy gun crews, a few Marines and a detachment of regular army troops repulsed a two-pronged British attack.
And, Most Folk Know Little That Happened in Virginia During the War. I Know I Sure Didn't. --Brock-Perry
The War at the Virginia War Museum-- Part 1
From the June 27, 1813, Hampton Roads (Va) Daily Pilot "Conjuring up the lost look of an unremembered war" by Mark St. John Erickson.
While preparing for his series of articles on the Battle of Craney Island and events around Norfolk, Mr. Erickson visited the Virginia War Museum at Newport News. There, he found a small collection of original uniforms, head gear and weapons.
He felt seeing these items brought him closer to the Virginia militiamen who fought in the futile defense of Hampton, Virginia, the victory at Craney Island and other encounters with the British.
There were also period edged weapons, most from the Virginia Manufactory of Arms in Richmond.
This Mr. Erickson Sure Knows a Lot About This Area in Virginia During the War of 1812. --Brock-Perry
Oh. That Sheaffe Street
From the June 28, 2013, Hamilton (Canada) Spectator "Namesakes."
In Hamilton, Canada, Sheaffe Street runs between Bay and Park streets and is named for Sir Roger Hale Scheaffe (1763-1851), a senior officer in the British Army who fought in the French Revolution wars and the War of 1812.
He was a Loyalist general in 1812 and made a baronet in 1813 after succeeding General Isaac Brock as commander and Lt. Governor of Upper Canada.
So, If You're Ever in Hamilton.... --Brock-Perry
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
John Cassin-- Part 4: Defended Norfolk Navy Yard
During the War of 1812, John Cassin was placed in command the Navy in Delaware and charged with defending Philadelphia.
Later he commanded the Norfolk Navy Yard from August 10, 1812 until January 1, 1821. This was when he helped plan the defense of that spot.
Later, he commanded the Southern Naval Station headquartered at Charleston, SC.
John Cassin-- Part 3: Pearl Harbor's USS Cassin
At the end on June, I was writing about John Cassin, commandant of the Norfolk Navy Yard in Virginia back in June 1813, when the British made an attempt to capture Norfolk and the Navy Yard.
I'd never heard of him before and there wasn't a lot of information available on Yahoo. I had heard of a destroyer named the Cassins at Pearl Harbor so wondered if theer was a connection.
I did find out that the Cassin destroyer at Pearl Harbor was not named for John Cassin, it was named the USS Stephen Cassin AND was named for John Cassin's son. Stephen Cassin (1783-1853), commanded the USS Ticonderoga at the Battle of Lake Champlain during the War of 1812.
An earlier destroyer than the Pearl Harbor one had also been named for him.
Small World. --Brock-Perry
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Things Looking Bad In Chesapeake Bay Area, July 4, 1813, --Part 3
Report of Joshua Barney on the defense of the bay, July 4, 1863.
Barney figures that the English fleet will start actions when Admiral Warren returns from Bermuda. Against the British, Barney has two frigates and "our old gunboats will not answer, they are too heavy to Row, and too clumsy to sail, are only fit to lay moor'd, to protect a pass, or Assist a Fort.
"I am therefore of opinion the only defence we have in our power, is a kind of Barge or Row-galley, so constructed as to draw a small draft of water, to carry Oars, light sails, and One heavy long gun, these vessels may be built in a short time (say 3 weeks)."
Doubt They'll Do Well Against a Ship-of-theLine. --Brock-Perry
Monday, July 8, 2013
No Part 2 For Jacob Jones
If you're interested in reading the rest of Saturday's account on Jacob Nicholas Jones, click on the label below.
It turns out, I had written about him in connection with the USS Wasp capturing the HMS Frolic (not exactly a very warlike name if you ask me). I was writing Saturday in connection to the destroyer named after him and sunk by a German U-boat off New Jersey during World War II.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Jacob Nicholas Jones, US Navy-- Part 1
Frpm Wikipedia.
This entry grew out of a post I did today in my World War II blog "Tattooed On Your Soul" about the destroyer USS Jacob Jones, sunk by a U-boat off Cape May in February 1942, during the Battle of the Atlantic.
I read that the ship was named for War of 1812 war hero Jacob Jones whom I had never heard of before. Turns out, I had entered his name in my labels before, probably as commander of the USS Wasp. Interesting life as it turns out.
March 1768 to August 3, 1850. US Naval officer during Quasi War with France, First Barbary War and War of 1812.
Born in Delaware, orphaned at age four, but went on to become a medical doctor. Joined the Navy as a midshipman in 1799 at age 31 (when midshipmen, officers in training, were often as young as ten), reportedly over grief for his wife who had recently died.
During the Quasi War, he served on the frigate USS United States under Coomodore John Barry. Commissioned second leiutenant in 1801 and joined the crew of the USS Philadelphia 24 May 1803. On 31 October 1803, he was captured along with the crew of that ship and held prisoner until freed by US forces in June 1805.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
This entry grew out of a post I did today in my World War II blog "Tattooed On Your Soul" about the destroyer USS Jacob Jones, sunk by a U-boat off Cape May in February 1942, during the Battle of the Atlantic.
I read that the ship was named for War of 1812 war hero Jacob Jones whom I had never heard of before. Turns out, I had entered his name in my labels before, probably as commander of the USS Wasp. Interesting life as it turns out.
March 1768 to August 3, 1850. US Naval officer during Quasi War with France, First Barbary War and War of 1812.
Born in Delaware, orphaned at age four, but went on to become a medical doctor. Joined the Navy as a midshipman in 1799 at age 31 (when midshipmen, officers in training, were often as young as ten), reportedly over grief for his wife who had recently died.
During the Quasi War, he served on the frigate USS United States under Coomodore John Barry. Commissioned second leiutenant in 1801 and joined the crew of the USS Philadelphia 24 May 1803. On 31 October 1803, he was captured along with the crew of that ship and held prisoner until freed by US forces in June 1805.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
Friday, July 5, 2013
Things Looking Bad in the Chesapeake Bar Area July 4, 1813-- Part 2
Then, Joshua Barney went on to list how many Marines each British ship carried, He was obviously very concerned of an amphibious assault. The second number refers to the total from all ships of each class available.
"Each ship of the line 110 Marines Total 1210
Each frigate 50-- 1650
Each Sloop of War 30-- 1140
Marines Coming from England--2000
Two Batallion of Royal Artilery, ditto-- 1000
Two Batallion of Seamen (men they can trust)-- 1200
This would give the British 8200 men for land operations.
"The Avowed object of the Enemy, is, the detruction of the City and Navy Yard at Washington, the City and Navy Yard at Norfolk and the City of Baltimore, we see by the above stationed that upwards of 8100 men can be landed from the Enemies ships."
What's An American Commander to Do? --Brock-Perry
"Each ship of the line 110 Marines Total 1210
Each frigate 50-- 1650
Each Sloop of War 30-- 1140
Marines Coming from England--2000
Two Batallion of Royal Artilery, ditto-- 1000
Two Batallion of Seamen (men they can trust)-- 1200
This would give the British 8200 men for land operations.
"The Avowed object of the Enemy, is, the detruction of the City and Navy Yard at Washington, the City and Navy Yard at Norfolk and the City of Baltimore, we see by the above stationed that upwards of 8100 men can be landed from the Enemies ships."
What's An American Commander to Do? --Brock-Perry
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Things Looking Bad in the Chesapeake Bay Area July 4, 1813-- Part 1
From the July 4, 2013, Blog of 1812 "Joshua Barney's Defense Proposal."
A great source of primary souce material for the War of 1812.
These are Navy commander Joshua Barney' s assessment of the situation of the Chesapeake Bay to which he was charged to defend.
The Enemy have on Station (in the Chesapeake Bay), 11 ships of the line, 33 frigates, 38 sloops of war and a number of Schooners &c."
Now just these numbers would be daunting considering the lack of ships Barney had to fight them, but this was not the main thing he was trying to point out in his report. He had serious worries other than ship numbers. He had no ships of the line and just one frigate, the USS Constellation, that I know about. Then, of course, he probably had a whole bunch of Mr. Jefferson's gunboats which didn't amount to much.
But, of interest, I was trying to see what was going on this date back 200 years ago.
I'll Do These Tomorrow. --Brock-Perry
A great source of primary souce material for the War of 1812.
These are Navy commander Joshua Barney' s assessment of the situation of the Chesapeake Bay to which he was charged to defend.
The Enemy have on Station (in the Chesapeake Bay), 11 ships of the line, 33 frigates, 38 sloops of war and a number of Schooners &c."
Now just these numbers would be daunting considering the lack of ships Barney had to fight them, but this was not the main thing he was trying to point out in his report. He had serious worries other than ship numbers. He had no ships of the line and just one frigate, the USS Constellation, that I know about. Then, of course, he probably had a whole bunch of Mr. Jefferson's gunboats which didn't amount to much.
But, of interest, I was trying to see what was going on this date back 200 years ago.
I'll Do These Tomorrow. --Brock-Perry
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The USS Constitution Sets Sail Again!-- Part 2: Ships By the Name of Hull
The Constitution's victory over the Guerriere came at a fortunate time, within a few days of the American surrender of Detroit, which has ever since provoked a lot of controversy.. It provided a much-needed morale boost.
Isaac Hull became a hero and since then, five ships have been named after him, includinga sidewheel paddle steamship in the 19th century and four destroyers in the 20th.
The last destroyer bearing the name Hull was decommissioned in the 1980s.
One of its prececessors was at Pearl Harbor on the day of the attack and later served in many of the major Pacific battles including Guadalcanal. It received 10 battle stars before being sunk in 1944 during a severe typhoon. Only 57 crew members survived.
During the typhoon, it was said that some of the Hull's junior officers were plotting to take command of the ship and steer to a safer course. It became the basis of author Herman Wouk's "The Caine Mutiny." Wouk is still alive at age 97 and served as a naval officer in the Pacific during the war.
Isaac Hull became a hero and since then, five ships have been named after him, includinga sidewheel paddle steamship in the 19th century and four destroyers in the 20th.
The last destroyer bearing the name Hull was decommissioned in the 1980s.
One of its prececessors was at Pearl Harbor on the day of the attack and later served in many of the major Pacific battles including Guadalcanal. It received 10 battle stars before being sunk in 1944 during a severe typhoon. Only 57 crew members survived.
During the typhoon, it was said that some of the Hull's junior officers were plotting to take command of the ship and steer to a safer course. It became the basis of author Herman Wouk's "The Caine Mutiny." Wouk is still alive at age 97 and served as a naval officer in the Pacific during the war.
The 215-Year-Old USS Constitution Sets Sail Again!-- Part 1
From the August 23, 2012, Manchester (Ct) Patch by Philip R. Devlin.
This was certainly a sight to see back a year ago when the oldest commissioned warship sailed under its own power for a short distance. Made me proud to be an American even as we appraoch this year's Fourth of July.
This ship is based in Massachusetts, but has Connecticut connections as it were.
The ship's first War of 1812 commander, Isaac Hull of Derby, took command on June 18, 1810 and served as captain until September 15, 1812. He and the ship made its name when on August 19, 1812, it engaged the British frigate HMS Guerriere, a captured French ship whose name means "Warrior."
The outmatched Guerriere was dismasted and forced to surrender after several boradsides in which close to 40% of its crew were killed or wounded. The crew was transferred to the Constitution and the ship set afire.
It was at this battle that the Constitution got its nickname, "Old Ironsides" as British cannonballs bounced off the sides of its extra thick hull. The ship had been constructed of the densest of all oak trees, the Southern Plantation Oak from Georgia.
The Constitution's hull was 21-inches thick, three times thicker than the hulls of most warships. Plus, the Constitution mounted heavier and more cannons than the Guerriere which also helped immensely inthe battle.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
This was certainly a sight to see back a year ago when the oldest commissioned warship sailed under its own power for a short distance. Made me proud to be an American even as we appraoch this year's Fourth of July.
This ship is based in Massachusetts, but has Connecticut connections as it were.
The ship's first War of 1812 commander, Isaac Hull of Derby, took command on June 18, 1810 and served as captain until September 15, 1812. He and the ship made its name when on August 19, 1812, it engaged the British frigate HMS Guerriere, a captured French ship whose name means "Warrior."
The outmatched Guerriere was dismasted and forced to surrender after several boradsides in which close to 40% of its crew were killed or wounded. The crew was transferred to the Constitution and the ship set afire.
It was at this battle that the Constitution got its nickname, "Old Ironsides" as British cannonballs bounced off the sides of its extra thick hull. The ship had been constructed of the densest of all oak trees, the Southern Plantation Oak from Georgia.
The Constitution's hull was 21-inches thick, three times thicker than the hulls of most warships. Plus, the Constitution mounted heavier and more cannons than the Guerriere which also helped immensely inthe battle.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
War of 1812: July 1813-- Part 3
JULY 21-27TH-- Second Siege of Fort Meig's, Ohio. British General Proctor and Tecumseh unsuccessful.
JULY 22ND-- Brig HMS Lord Melville (14 guns) launched at Kingston, Upper Canada.
JULY 27TH-- Battle of Burnt Corn, Mississippi territory, sonsidered the first action of the Creek War.
JULY 29TH-- American raid on Burlington Beach, Upper Canada. King George Inn destroyed.
JULY 29-AUGUST 4TH-- British raid on American villages around Lake Champlain.
JULY 30TH-- British raid Plattsburg, NY.
JULY 31ST-- Second occupation of York (Toronto), the capital of Upper Canada. Col. Winfield Scott's troops destroy public property and confiscate British military supplies.
Like I Said, a Lot Going On This Month. --Brock-Perry
JULY 22ND-- Brig HMS Lord Melville (14 guns) launched at Kingston, Upper Canada.
JULY 27TH-- Battle of Burnt Corn, Mississippi territory, sonsidered the first action of the Creek War.
JULY 29TH-- American raid on Burlington Beach, Upper Canada. King George Inn destroyed.
JULY 29-AUGUST 4TH-- British raid on American villages around Lake Champlain.
JULY 30TH-- British raid Plattsburg, NY.
JULY 31ST-- Second occupation of York (Toronto), the capital of Upper Canada. Col. Winfield Scott's troops destroy public property and confiscate British military supplies.
Like I Said, a Lot Going On This Month. --Brock-Perry
War of 1812 Timeline: July 1813-- Part 2
JULY 14TH-- British sloop Contest and brig Mohawk capture and burn the American schooner Asp on Potomac River.
JULY 17TH-- First msuter of Canadian Volunteers at Fort George, Upper Canada.
Skirmish at Ball's Farm near Niagara, Upper Canada.
JULY 19TH-- American privateers Neptune and Fox, from Sackets Harbor, NY, capture British convoy of 15 bateaux and gunboat Spitfire and retreat to Cranberry Creek, NY.
JULY 20TH-- British forces retaliate from the previous day and attack American privateers at Cranberry Creek, but withdraw.
JULY 20TH-- L:aunching of the HMS Detroit at Amherstburg, Upper Canada, largest ship built there.
JULY 21ST-- Arrival of British reinforcements at Quebec City, Lower Canada. The HMS Wasp also arrives.
Busy Month. --Brock-Perry
JULY 17TH-- First msuter of Canadian Volunteers at Fort George, Upper Canada.
Skirmish at Ball's Farm near Niagara, Upper Canada.
JULY 19TH-- American privateers Neptune and Fox, from Sackets Harbor, NY, capture British convoy of 15 bateaux and gunboat Spitfire and retreat to Cranberry Creek, NY.
JULY 20TH-- British forces retaliate from the previous day and attack American privateers at Cranberry Creek, but withdraw.
JULY 20TH-- L:aunching of the HMS Detroit at Amherstburg, Upper Canada, largest ship built there.
JULY 21ST-- Arrival of British reinforcements at Quebec City, Lower Canada. The HMS Wasp also arrives.
Busy Month. --Brock-Perry
War of 1812 Timeline-- July 1813: Part 1
From the War of 1812 Timeline, Historic Places site, Canada. Probably your best timeline for the war. There are a couple Wikipedia ones as well.
During the month:
American privateers described as being very numerous and active in Canada's Bay of Fundy and New Brunswick. Six Royal Navy ships sent from Halifax, Nova Scotia to deal with them.
Commander Barclay's British Squadron, sailing from Amherstburg, Upper Canada, on Lake Erie gathering information on U.S. Navy vessels being built at Erie, Pennsylvania.
JULY 3RD- Wikipedia-- Capture of U.S. sloops Growler and Eagle near Ile aux Noril.
JULY 5TH-- Raid on Fort Schlosser, NY, by Canadian militia. Capture military stores at the southern terminus of American portage route around Niagara Falls.
JULY 8TH-- Action at Butler's Farm, Upper Canada.
Wikipedia-- Final siege of Fort Madison, (Iowa) begins.
JULY 11TH-- British raid on Black Rock, NY.
JULY 12TH-- Royal Navy attacks Ocracoke, NC and captures several American ships.
Many More Dates to Come. --Brock-Perry
During the month:
American privateers described as being very numerous and active in Canada's Bay of Fundy and New Brunswick. Six Royal Navy ships sent from Halifax, Nova Scotia to deal with them.
Commander Barclay's British Squadron, sailing from Amherstburg, Upper Canada, on Lake Erie gathering information on U.S. Navy vessels being built at Erie, Pennsylvania.
JULY 3RD- Wikipedia-- Capture of U.S. sloops Growler and Eagle near Ile aux Noril.
JULY 5TH-- Raid on Fort Schlosser, NY, by Canadian militia. Capture military stores at the southern terminus of American portage route around Niagara Falls.
JULY 8TH-- Action at Butler's Farm, Upper Canada.
Wikipedia-- Final siege of Fort Madison, (Iowa) begins.
JULY 11TH-- British raid on Black Rock, NY.
JULY 12TH-- Royal Navy attacks Ocracoke, NC and captures several American ships.
Many More Dates to Come. --Brock-Perry
Monday, July 1, 2013
Connecticut's USS Constitution Connection-- Part 2
Continued from June 25th.
Twentieth century Captain Albert C. Messice was one of the ship's four Connecticut commanders, 1952-1954.
Another Connecticut man with a connection was Glastonburg native Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy during the Civil War whom Lincoln referred to as "My Neptune." He saved the ship from Confederate sabateurs early in the war.
The Constitution was used as a training ship for U.S. Naval Academy midshipman at Annapolis, Maryland, before the war. It was too close to Confederate lines and Welles had the ship sent to Newport, Rhode Island, for the war's duration. The USNA was also moved there.
The front door of the Custom House Maritime Museum at 154 Bank Street in New London, Connecticut, is made of original ship planks taken from it during one of the many renovations that have occurred over the years.
The iron in its cannons came from Connecticut foundries.
Also, the ship's most famous commander, Isaac Hull, came from the state.
An Old Ironside Connection. --Brock-Perry
Twentieth century Captain Albert C. Messice was one of the ship's four Connecticut commanders, 1952-1954.
Another Connecticut man with a connection was Glastonburg native Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy during the Civil War whom Lincoln referred to as "My Neptune." He saved the ship from Confederate sabateurs early in the war.
The Constitution was used as a training ship for U.S. Naval Academy midshipman at Annapolis, Maryland, before the war. It was too close to Confederate lines and Welles had the ship sent to Newport, Rhode Island, for the war's duration. The USNA was also moved there.
The front door of the Custom House Maritime Museum at 154 Bank Street in New London, Connecticut, is made of original ship planks taken from it during one of the many renovations that have occurred over the years.
The iron in its cannons came from Connecticut foundries.
Also, the ship's most famous commander, Isaac Hull, came from the state.
An Old Ironside Connection. --Brock-Perry
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