From the March 24, 2014, Halifax (Can.) Herald "How Nova Scotia fared in War of 1812."
Paul Robinson has done a lot of research on Halifax and Nova Scotia's role in the war and has made it into a play "Never a Syllable." He says the title comes from an American Congressman opposed to the war back then who said that never a syllable was mentioned about the importance of Halifax.
One of the topics of the play is the 220 sailors from the naval ship who were sent from Halifax overland to crew a ship at Kingston, Ontario, despite the fact that there were no roads. A character in the play is Enos Collins, a privateer from Nova Scotia, who made a lot of money from it. Collins was born in Liverpool in 1774 and was said to be the richest man in Canada when he died in 1871.
Entertainment and History At the Same Time. --Brock-Perry

Battle of New Orleans.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Baltimore's Patterson Park Is Site of Defenses
From the March 28, 2014, CBS Baltimore "Dig Underway in Patterson Park To Unearth Fort Citizens Built To Stop The British" by Alex DeMetrick.
Of course, when it comes to the War of 1812, Baltimore's Fort McHenry gets the lion share of publicity, but efforts are underway to unearth another important Baltimore defense.
Two hundred years ago, Baltimore's citizens built fortifications in what is today the city's Patterson Park. There are cannons and plaques marking it, but little more. Maps exist of the earthworks the city built (not the military). Today, only a small part of the earthworks remain below the pagoda
Washington, DC, had been burned just a few weeks earlier and Baltimore's population did not intend to follow suit.
Now, ground-penetrating radar is being used by archaeologists to find more.
However, these defenses were never used as the British Army unexpectedly left Maryland after its commanding general was killed.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
War of 1812 Flags
From the March 25, 2014, Oswego (NY) County Today "Early American Flags and British Plans to Extricate Themselves from the War of 1812 Topics of April 5."
Textile conservator Deborah Trupin is one of 12 speakers April 4th annual Oswego War of 1812 Symposium.
She had the rare opportunity to treat the 1809 Fort Niagara garrison flag captured by the British in 1813.
She also has worked on the September 1813 "Don't Give Up the Ship" flag that flew on Perry's flagship USS Lawrence at the Battle of Lake Erie.
Her presentation is "A Tale of Two Flags: How History, Ownership and Treatment Affected the Conservation of Two Early Nineteenth Century Flags."
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Black Canadians Fought For Their Freedom: Richard Pierpoint-- Part 2
During the War of 1812, the threat of re-enslavement was real if the Americans won. Knowing this, Richard Pierpoint petitioned the government to form and lead a "corps of men of colour," saying "I fight for my freedom." //// The unit was eventually formed, but commanded by a white officer and known as Captain Runchey's Company of Coloured Men. It was the first all-black unit in Upper Canada, present-day Ontario. //// They fought in key battles including Fort George, Stoney Creek, St. David's and Lundy's Lane. They were among the first reinforcements at Queenston to help take back Queenston Heights. ///// As many as 20% of combatants in the war were black, many servinf in the Navy. //// After the war, blacks were granted land in the rtemote Oro land, but the land proved too difficult to clear and cultivate and many left. //// In 1821, at age 77, Pierpoint petitioned for passage back to Senegal but was given 100 acres near present-day Fergus. He died impoverished around 1835. //// Quite An Amazing Story. --Brock-Perry
Black Canadians Fought For Their Freedom: Richard Pierpoint-- Part 1
From the February 25, 2013, Toronto Globe and Mail "In 1812, black Canadians fought for their freedom" by Rosemary Sadlier. //// The Bicentennial of the war continues and Black History Month winds down. The United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent continues, and, unfortunately, Black p[articipation in te War of 1812 is largely ignored. //// Richard Pierpoint was born around 1744 in Bondu, West Africa, (now Senegal). He was captured at the age of 16 and brought to the Americas and became the property of a British military officer. //// During the American Revolution he accepted British military service to achieve his freedom. He served in Butler's Rangers and like thousands of other black Loyalists, was granted land in Canada, working 200 acres near Twelve Mile Creek in Ontario. //// Other Blacks helped settle Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. //// --Brock-Perry
Friday, March 21, 2014
Commodore William Bainbridge Military History. //// Born May 7, 1774, in Princeton, New Jersey. Fought in the Quasi-War with France and First Barbary War. //// In 1800, commanded the 32-gun frigate USS George Washington when he was forced to surrender. Then, he was in command of the frigate USS Philadelphia and, while chasing a Tripolitan ship, struck an uncharted reef and forced to surrender. The Philadelphia was later destroyed by the daring attack of Lt. Stephen Decatur. //// Commanded the schooner Retaliation and forced to surrender to two frigates. //// During the War of 1812, on September 8th, he received command of the USS Constitution which had recently defeated the HMS Guerriere. He and the USS Hornet went to Sao Salvador, Brazil, and blockaded the HMS Bonne Citryenne. //// He left the Hornet and went looking for prizes and fought the British frigate HMS Java and won, but was wounded twice. //// Afterwards, he commanded the Charlestown Navy Yard for the rest of the war. //// A Man With a Very Checkered Career. Kind of the Thomas O. Selfridge (Civil War) of the War of 1812, Only He Often Had His ships Captured., --Brock-Perry
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Havre de Grace Bicerntennial Events
From the March 2, 2013, Havre de Grace (Md) Patch. A big event took place last year from may 3-5, 2013, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the British attack on the town. //// Music and vignettes were performed on the streets on May 3rd and restaurants had specials. //// On May 4th, re-enactors recreated the British attack, arriving by barge near Concord Point Lighthouse. That night, the Columbia Orchestra had a concert and fireworks. //// On May 5th, there were ship tours and the Redcoat 5K. //// --Brock-Perry
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
American Privateers in the War of 1812
From the February 2013 Strategy Page New Book Review "American Privateers in the War of 1812: The Vessels and Their Prizes as Recorded in Niles Weekly Register" by Timothy S. Good, (210 pages, $75) //// The U.S. Navy's role in the war is well-documented, but this is about the "other fleet the nation sent to sea." //// In 32-months of war, more than 1600 British ships were captured by the Navy and privateers. Of that total, the vast majority, over 1300, were taken by privateers. Some others were taken by U.S. Revenue Cutters, U.S. Army vessels and state militias. //// The War of 1812 was a "Golden Age of Privateering." And, the Canadians did a fair amount of their own privateering against American ships. (This would also make a good book.) //// The book has a short history followed by a lsit of ships from the Baltimore newspaper Niles Weekly Register of each ship taken and whether taken by the Navy or privateers. //// For each capture, all available details are given. Some of these are very sparse, others quite detailed. //// Looks Like an Interesting Book, But a Bit Too Expensive for Me. --Brock-Perry
Davenport OK's Archaeological Survey of Credit Island-- Part 2
In September 1814, the United States sent eight large boats upstream on the Mississippi River under Major Zachary Taylor to win control of the area back from the British. //// As Taylor neared the island, the wind shifted and he was unable to go farther. His force stopped for the night at the head of Willow Island (near Credit Island) and had anchor issues with some of his boats. //// His troops began driving the Indians off Willow Island who fled to Credit Island where they fired upon the Americans. The Americans were outnumbered by the British and their Sauk and Fox Indian allies. Three Americans were killed and eleven wounded in the action. //// Historians think they might find 3-pdr. cannonballs and musket balls on the island. //// Brock-Perry
Davenport, Iowa, OK's Archaeological Survey on Credit Island-- Part 1
From the February 20, 2013, Quad-Cities Dispatch-Argus "Davenport OKs archaeological survey of War of 1812 battle site" by Stephen Elliott. //// The City Council ok'd $46,007.84 for a survey to be done by Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. of Jackson, Michigan, to do work on Credit Island where a battle took place during the War of 1812 between Sauk Indian leader Black Hawk and Major Zachary Taylor (later president). //// The group will be looking for battle sites on the island that might be candidates to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. //// The island has had several names over the years, the current one dating to its use as a fur-trading post in the early 1800s. //// --Brock-Perry
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Fort Trumbull, Connecticut
From the Feb. 21, 2013, The Day (Ct.) "War of 1812 focus at Fort Trumbull" by Judy Benson.
Fort Trumbull State Park at New London, Connecticut.
There will be a series of programs beginning this spring that feature Fort Trumbull, built to protect the mouth of the Thames River and keep the British fleet blockading Long Island Sound in 1813 anchored off Great Gull Island.
Other talks will be about the Raid on Essex, the Battle of Stonington, Battle of Long Island, Battle of Groton Heights and burning of New London.
Today's fort is the third one constructed at the site which was built in 1838 to replace the War of 1812 one which was built in 1809. There is still one building at the current fort remaining from the War of 1812 one, the Block House, made of granite and protecting the powder magazine and also served as living quarters for some of the garrison.
A model of the 1812 fort is in the visitors center and there is a painting of it at the Lyman Allyn Museum.
Zebulon Pike's 1813 Winter Encampment at Plattsburgh, NY
From the Feb. 21, 2013, Oswego County (NY) Today "Fascinating Tales of Bravery Will Highlight Oswego County 1812 Symposium.? //// News on the April 6-7, 2013 Symposium. //// Dr. Tim Abel will speak about Col. Zebulon Pike's brutal winter encampment of the 15th Regiment at Plattsburgh. He will also go into detail about the latest archaeological investigation at the site. //// After the 1812 campaign along Lake Champlain failed, General Henry Dearborn's 1st Brigade of 2,000 men under Col. Pike went into winter quarters at Plattsburgh for three months. Over 200 died of exposure in early spring 1813 when the troops marched out in three feet of snow and traveled 175 miles to Sachets Harbor to participate in the 1813 Niagara Offensive. //// That summer, the British occupied the Plattsburgh encampment and burned it to the ground where the site sat for two centuries, hidden in a wooded area near the Plattsburgh Air Force base. In 2011, Dr. Abel confirmed its location. //// Always Good to Find Lost History Like That. --Brock-Perry
Bits Of War: Flag-- Canadian View-- Waste of $30 Million
Bits Of War about the War of 1812: //// 1. FLAG-- 2-22-13 Hartford County, Maryland will be flying the American circa-1812 flag at all county buildings for the next 22 months. //// 2. CANADIAN VIEW-- 2-21-13 Buffalo (NY) Business First reports that the Toronto Globe and Mail says that only 15% of Canadians feel more patriotic because of the war and only 30% believe it was worthwhile. //// 3. WASTE OF $30 MILLION-- The 2-21-13 Daily Brew (Can) says a Globe and Mail report said that most Canadians did not feel the government should have spent that much money to commemorate the war. Only 28.6% support the expenditure. //// --Brock-Perry
Saturday, March 15, 2014
War Comes to Hampton Roads-- Part 2
For two years, the British raided the James River as far as Lawnes Creek and Jamestown. They raided Warwick County and attacked Norfolk. They burned and plundered Hampton. They also attacked all over the Chesapeake Bay, including Maryland and Baltimore. //// This blockade was intended to blunt the American invasion of Canada. //// The frigate USS Constellation, Captain Charles Stewart, sailed out and had to flee two ships of the line, three frigates, a brig and a schooner. Tide and the wind turned against him, but he was able to get his ship to safety by kedging for hours and get under the protective guns of Fort Norfolk. //// --Brock-Perry
War Comes to Hampton Roads-- Part 1
From the february 10, 2013, Hamton Roads (Va.) Daily Press "War Comes to Hampton Roads" by Mark St. John Erickson. //// There was a British warship at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay on February 4, 1813. Just one British 74-gun ship-of-the-line mounted more cannons than all the ones the Americans had to defend the Elizabeth River and Norfolk. //// That one ship was joined by more and more British warships who anchored between Lynnhaven Bay and Old Point Comfort. //// It didn't long for conflict to begin. On February 8, 1813, the U.S. six-gun schooner Lottery, out of Baltimore, was attacked by the British. A two-hour battle began the "campaign of fire, plunder and fear that would terrorize Tidewater and the bay for two years." //// --Brock-Perry
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Ohio's Fort Meigs-- Part 3
U.S. general William Henry Harrison had some 1200 regulars and militia and 20-30 cannons at Fort Meigs. //// Kentucky militia numbering 1200 under Major General Green Clay arrived on May 5th and split his force with one group going south to attack the Indians and the other north to attack the British. //// The southern group broke through the Indians and entered the fort. The northern group was not a slucky and were ambushed, losing 640 killed or captured. //// The British withdrew May 9th. //// Harrison then marched to Cleveland and left Wool in charge of Fort Meigs. //// --Brock-Perry
Ohio's Fort Meigs-- Part 2
Virginia militia Brigadier General Joel Leftwich initially supervised construction, but soon U.S. Army Engineer Eleazor Wool completed it. It was an earth and timber palisaded construction, including seven two-story blockhouses and five artillery batteriies that covered some 10 acres of land. //// Fort Meigs was completed by late April 1813, just in time to oppose a British advance under General Harry Proctor with 2,000 Britisg regulars and Canadian militia and 1,000 Indians under Shawnee Chief Tecumseh moving southward from Fort Malden in Canada. They began a siege of the fort on May 1st. ///// --Brock-Perry
It's a Chicago and Ohio Meigs Thing-- Part 2
From Wikipedia.
Fort Meigs was named after Ohio Governor Return J. Meigs. I found the name return to be of interest and looked it up.
Actually, there were two Return J Meigs, a senior and junior.
Return J. Meigs, Sr. (1740-1823) was a colonel in the American Revolution and was later in on the founding of Marietta, Ohio, on the Ohio River. He later did surveying in Ohio and moved on to Tennessee.
His son, Return J. Meigs, Jr. (1764-1825) was the governor of Ohio for whom the fort was named. He was governor from 1810-1814. I didn't find out, however, where the name Return came from.
So, Now I Know. --Brock-Perry
Fort Meigs was named after Ohio Governor Return J. Meigs. I found the name return to be of interest and looked it up.
Actually, there were two Return J Meigs, a senior and junior.
Return J. Meigs, Sr. (1740-1823) was a colonel in the American Revolution and was later in on the founding of Marietta, Ohio, on the Ohio River. He later did surveying in Ohio and moved on to Tennessee.
His son, Return J. Meigs, Jr. (1764-1825) was the governor of Ohio for whom the fort was named. He was governor from 1810-1814. I didn't find out, however, where the name Return came from.
So, Now I Know. --Brock-Perry
It's an Ohio and Chicago Meigs Thing-- Part 1
From Wikipedia.
Yesterday, I wrote about Fort Meigs and was wondering if the former Meigs Field in Chicago and Fort Meigs in Perrysburg, Ohio, might be named for the same person.
They weren't.
Meigs Field in Chicago, a small civilian plane airport on Northerly Island off the shoreline, was named for Merrill C. Meigs (1883-1968), publisher of the Chicago Herald and Examiner and early aviation proponent who reportedly taught Harry Truman how to fly.
Meigs Field existed from 1948 to 2003, when then-Mayor Richard M. Daley had it razed under cover of the night.
Yesterday, I wrote about Fort Meigs and was wondering if the former Meigs Field in Chicago and Fort Meigs in Perrysburg, Ohio, might be named for the same person.
They weren't.
Meigs Field in Chicago, a small civilian plane airport on Northerly Island off the shoreline, was named for Merrill C. Meigs (1883-1968), publisher of the Chicago Herald and Examiner and early aviation proponent who reportedly taught Harry Truman how to fly.
Meigs Field existed from 1948 to 2003, when then-Mayor Richard M. Daley had it razed under cover of the night.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Ohio's Fort Meigs-- Part 1
From the February 12, 2013, U.S. Army Home Page "War of 1812 bicentennial: Fort Meigs" by Egon Hatfield.
I have to wonder if Fort Meigs had anything to do with the former Chicago's Meigs Field?
The current Fort Meigs is a reconstruction located at Perrysburg, Ohio. The orginal was built to protect the western Ohio frontier and ordered by Major General William Henry Harrison, commanding the United States Northwestern Army, on a bluff overlooking the Maumee River rapids. It was not only for protection, but also a staging area for future Canadian invasions.
Construction began February 2, 1813, and was named in honor of Ohio Governor Return J. Meigs.
I have to wonder if Fort Meigs had anything to do with the former Chicago's Meigs Field?
The current Fort Meigs is a reconstruction located at Perrysburg, Ohio. The orginal was built to protect the western Ohio frontier and ordered by Major General William Henry Harrison, commanding the United States Northwestern Army, on a bluff overlooking the Maumee River rapids. It was not only for protection, but also a staging area for future Canadian invasions.
Construction began February 2, 1813, and was named in honor of Ohio Governor Return J. Meigs.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Oswego War of 1812 Symposium
From the Feb. 13, 2013, "I Love New York: Oswego War of 1812 Symposium Explores Military Training and Tactics."
It was held at the Lake Ontario Conference and Event Center in Oswego, New York, from April 6-7th. On April 6th, Dr. Guy Gibson discussed the battles of Sackets Harbor where the British failed in July 1812 and May 1813.
On April 7th, Lt.Col. Michael McGurty, superintendent of the New Windsor Cantonment and Knox's Headquarters New York State Historic Sites presented "Lambs Prepared for Slaughter: General Winfield Scott's Training Camp at Buffalo in the spring of 1814. (I did not know that Winfield Scott, of early Civil War fame and Scott's Anaconda, had been in the War of 1812. I knew he was in the Mexican War.)
Earlier in the war, most American military leaders had been in the American Revolution and prone to over caution. Asd the war progressed, they stepped aside and let younger, more aggresive officers lead.
Winfield Scott was ambitious, a tenacious fighter and natural leader. He took soldiers with only basic skills and transformed them into a force worthy of the name Regulars.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Timeline for March 1814-- Part 3
The Second Battle of Lacolle, Lower Canada. After his failed Montreal Campaign of 1813, U.S. Major General James Wilkinson made one last attempt to invade Lower Canada and restore his reputation.
He left Champlain, New York, with 4,000 troops and occupied Odelltown and then attacked Lacolle, a fortified British outpost, defended by a garrison of 180 in a fortified mill guarding the crossing of the Lacolle River.
American artillery had little effect on the mill and after the British received reinforcements, Wilkinson withdrew.
And meanwhile, over in Europe, something that did not bode well for the Americans. Allied armies of Prussia, Austria and Russia enter Paris, France, defeating Napoleon and restoring the Bourbon monarch Louis XVIII.
Now, Britain Can Concentrate on the United States. --Brock-Perry
The Second Battle of Lacolle, Lower Canada. After his failed Montreal Campaign of 1813, U.S. Major General James Wilkinson made one last attempt to invade Lower Canada and restore his reputation.
He left Champlain, New York, with 4,000 troops and occupied Odelltown and then attacked Lacolle, a fortified British outpost, defended by a garrison of 180 in a fortified mill guarding the crossing of the Lacolle River.
American artillery had little effect on the mill and after the British received reinforcements, Wilkinson withdrew.
And meanwhile, over in Europe, something that did not bode well for the Americans. Allied armies of Prussia, Austria and Russia enter Paris, France, defeating Napoleon and restoring the Bourbon monarch Louis XVIII.
Now, Britain Can Concentrate on the United States. --Brock-Perry
Timeline for March 1814-- Part 2
The 5th Battalion of Lower Canada Select Embodied Militia is transformed to a light infantry unit known as the Chasseurs Canadiens. (I would imagine a French-Canadian unit.)
Amerivan raids on Missisiquoi Bay, Lower Canada.
Battle of Horseshoe Bend in Central Alabama. Essentially ended the Creek War.
The HMS Phoebe and HMS Cherub defeated the USS Essex and Essex Junior, off Valparaiso, Chile. The Essex had been very successful as a commerce raider attacking British merchant ships in the South Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
The 5th Battalion of Lower Canada Select Embodied Militia is transformed to a light infantry unit known as the Chasseurs Canadiens. (I would imagine a French-Canadian unit.)
Amerivan raids on Missisiquoi Bay, Lower Canada.
Battle of Horseshoe Bend in Central Alabama. Essentially ended the Creek War.
The HMS Phoebe and HMS Cherub defeated the USS Essex and Essex Junior, off Valparaiso, Chile. The Essex had been very successful as a commerce raider attacking British merchant ships in the South Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
The Forlorn Hope
From Wikipedia.
Yesterday, I mentioned William Whitley as leading the "Forlorn Hope" charge at the Battle of the Thames. I knew that if you are a soldier, you'd be best not to be involved in anything such as a "forlorn hope" if you care to live, but did a little more research on it.
A "Forlorn Hope" is a band of soldiers chosen or volunteering to take the leading part in a military operation, such as an assault on a defended position where risk of casualties is high.
It comes from the Dutch words "Verloren Hoop," maening literally "lost troop." In the days of muzzle-loading muskets, it referred to the first wave of troops who would be cut down by gunfire, enabling those coming after it to fall upon the enemy with few casualties.
No Sir, No Forlorn Hope for Me, Sir. --Brock-Perry
Isaac Shelby, Kentucky Governor and Soldier
From Wikipedia.
William Whitley served under Kentucky governor and general Isaac Shelby (1750-1826). Shelby was Kentucky's first and fifth governor. As a soldier, he served in the Lord Dunsmore's War, the American Revolution (where he played a pivotal role at the Battle of King's Mountain and then moved to Kentucky after the war) and the War of 1812.
He personally led the Kentucky militia at the Battle of the Thames.
William Whitley served under Kentucky governor and general Isaac Shelby (1750-1826). Shelby was Kentucky's first and fifth governor. As a soldier, he served in the Lord Dunsmore's War, the American Revolution (where he played a pivotal role at the Battle of King's Mountain and then moved to Kentucky after the war) and the War of 1812.
He personally led the Kentucky militia at the Battle of the Thames.
Friday, March 7, 2014
The Reason for the William Whitley Entry
I wrote these notes over a year ago and wasn't sure why I had William Whitley after the two Kentucky soldiers killed in Canada whose bodies were to be returned to Kentucky. (See yesterday's post.)
William Whitley was with these two dead men at the battle, which occurred one day before the bigger Battle of the Thames.
So, that is why and I will also write about Isaac Shelby and the Whitley House State Historic Site in Kentucky.
William Whitley of Kentucky
From Wikipedia.
William Whitley (1748-1813). Fought in the Revolutionary War with George Rogers Clark in what became the Northwest Territory. Fought Indians and was a Kentucky pioneer. Commanded the 6th Regiment Kentucky Militia under Governor Isaac Shelby.
In 1813, at the age of 64, volunteered with the Kentucky Mounted Infantry. At the Battle of the Thames, Oct. 3, 1813, led the "Forlorn Hope Charge" against Tecumseh. Both Tecumseh and Whitley killed at the battle and there is some evidence that Whitley, not Richard Johnson, killed Tecumseh.
He is buried near the battlefield at Chatham, Ontario. His horse, Emperor, had one eye and two teeth knocked out on the charge. Whitley's powderhorn, strap and rifle were returned to his wife in Kentucky and the rifle is on display at the William Whitley House State Historic Site. In 1818, Whitley County, Kentucky named for him and the county seat is Williamsburg. There also is a Whitley County in Indiana also named for him.
William Whitley (1748-1813). Fought in the Revolutionary War with George Rogers Clark in what became the Northwest Territory. Fought Indians and was a Kentucky pioneer. Commanded the 6th Regiment Kentucky Militia under Governor Isaac Shelby.
In 1813, at the age of 64, volunteered with the Kentucky Mounted Infantry. At the Battle of the Thames, Oct. 3, 1813, led the "Forlorn Hope Charge" against Tecumseh. Both Tecumseh and Whitley killed at the battle and there is some evidence that Whitley, not Richard Johnson, killed Tecumseh.
He is buried near the battlefield at Chatham, Ontario. His horse, Emperor, had one eye and two teeth knocked out on the charge. Whitley's powderhorn, strap and rifle were returned to his wife in Kentucky and the rifle is on display at the William Whitley House State Historic Site. In 1818, Whitley County, Kentucky named for him and the county seat is Williamsburg. There also is a Whitley County in Indiana also named for him.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Timeline for March 1814, 200 Years Ago-- Part 1
DURING MARCH 1814: Arrival of British reinforcements at Quebec City, Lower Canada, via New Brunswick: 2nd battalion of the 8th Regiment and men from HMS Fantome and HMS Arab.
Provisional militia unit Loyal Essex Volunteers formed in Upper Canada.
MARCH 4TH: After the American victory at the Battle of the Thames in October 1813, large areas of Upper Canada essentially became No-Man's Land with both sides launching foraging forays.
These units would sometimes clash like at this engagement. Two hundred Americans were on their way to attack Delaware, Upper Canada, and were met by 240 British. The Americans, under Andrew Holmes, built breastworks on what is now known as Battle Hill.
After a one and a half hour battle and many British casualties, the Americans were driven off and returned to Detroit.
DURING MARCH 1814: Arrival of British reinforcements at Quebec City, Lower Canada, via New Brunswick: 2nd battalion of the 8th Regiment and men from HMS Fantome and HMS Arab.
Provisional militia unit Loyal Essex Volunteers formed in Upper Canada.
MARCH 4TH: After the American victory at the Battle of the Thames in October 1813, large areas of Upper Canada essentially became No-Man's Land with both sides launching foraging forays.
These units would sometimes clash like at this engagement. Two hundred Americans were on their way to attack Delaware, Upper Canada, and were met by 240 British. The Americans, under Andrew Holmes, built breastworks on what is now known as Battle Hill.
After a one and a half hour battle and many British casualties, the Americans were driven off and returned to Detroit.
Remains of Kentucky Soldiers Coming Home
From the Jan. 23, 2013, Lexington (Ky) "200 Years Later, Remains of Kentucky Soldiers Killed in War of 1812 May Be Coming Home."
Two bodies of Kentucky soldiers discovered in an Ontario, Canada, park, may be on their way home.
Kentucky was a frontier back then and protected by militia.
Private Foster Bartlett from Henry County and Private William Hardwick who served in a unit based in Fayette and Clark counties fought in the Ontario Valley in Canada around the time of the River Raisin Massacre. Neither of them made it home.
While planning a renovation of the park, Canadian archaeologists discovered "graveside anomalies" at Tecumseh Park in Chatham Kent, Ontario. They were shallow graves and authorities are now looking for DNA samples of relatives. If found, they will be reinterred on the State Mound in Frankfort.
Two bodies of Kentucky soldiers discovered in an Ontario, Canada, park, may be on their way home.
Kentucky was a frontier back then and protected by militia.
Private Foster Bartlett from Henry County and Private William Hardwick who served in a unit based in Fayette and Clark counties fought in the Ontario Valley in Canada around the time of the River Raisin Massacre. Neither of them made it home.
While planning a renovation of the park, Canadian archaeologists discovered "graveside anomalies" at Tecumseh Park in Chatham Kent, Ontario. They were shallow graves and authorities are now looking for DNA samples of relatives. If found, they will be reinterred on the State Mound in Frankfort.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Remembering the Last American Casualty
From the Feb. 24, 2014, Bermuda Royal Gazette.
The final American casualty of the War of 1812 (perhaps even the final casualty on all sides) was remembered in a ceremony on St. George's. The annual Midshipman Dale Ceremony was held on Saturday to mark the 199th anniversary of his death.
Richard Sutherland Dale was a midshipman on the frigate USS President which was captured in January 1815. He was wounded and cared for by the people of St. George's while a prisoner. He died Feb. 22, 1815, five days after the United States ratified the Treaty of Ghent which ended the war.
His father was Commodore Richard Dale who later visited St. George's to express his gratitude for the kindness and care shown an enemy.
The first ceremony took place in 1932.
The final American casualty of the War of 1812 (perhaps even the final casualty on all sides) was remembered in a ceremony on St. George's. The annual Midshipman Dale Ceremony was held on Saturday to mark the 199th anniversary of his death.
Richard Sutherland Dale was a midshipman on the frigate USS President which was captured in January 1815. He was wounded and cared for by the people of St. George's while a prisoner. He died Feb. 22, 1815, five days after the United States ratified the Treaty of Ghent which ended the war.
His father was Commodore Richard Dale who later visited St. George's to express his gratitude for the kindness and care shown an enemy.
The first ceremony took place in 1932.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
A New Orleans Mardi Gras Connection
From Mardi Gras Music Radio, Live 365.
Even though I have read that the present Mardi Gras celebrations did not begin until after the Civil War, New Orleans nonetheless was an important city in the War of 1812, and most everyone knows about the after-the-war-was-over Battle of New Orleans, so I will list some more Mardi Gras music I was listening to this morning:
ZULU STRUT-- John Cleery
OOH LA LA-- Mitch Woods
RED BEANS-- Marcia Ball (Ya'll)
BIG CHIEF-- Dr. John & the Dirty Brass Band
JOCK-A-MO-- Sugar Boy Crawford
MEET ME ON FRENCHMEN FEET-- Shamarr Allen, feat. Kermit Ruffin
HANDA WANDA-- Wild Magnolias
CARNIVAL TIME-- New Orleans' Own Dukes of Dixieland & Luther Kent
FEEL LIKE FUNKIN' UP--Rebirth Brass Band
MARDI GRAS IN NEW ORLEANS-- Charmaine Neville Band
JOE AVERY'S WHOOPIN' BLUES-- Sarah Spencer's Rue Conti Jazz Band.
Where's This Bourbon Street? --Brock-Perry
Even though I have read that the present Mardi Gras celebrations did not begin until after the Civil War, New Orleans nonetheless was an important city in the War of 1812, and most everyone knows about the after-the-war-was-over Battle of New Orleans, so I will list some more Mardi Gras music I was listening to this morning:
ZULU STRUT-- John Cleery
OOH LA LA-- Mitch Woods
RED BEANS-- Marcia Ball (Ya'll)
BIG CHIEF-- Dr. John & the Dirty Brass Band
JOCK-A-MO-- Sugar Boy Crawford
MEET ME ON FRENCHMEN FEET-- Shamarr Allen, feat. Kermit Ruffin
HANDA WANDA-- Wild Magnolias
CARNIVAL TIME-- New Orleans' Own Dukes of Dixieland & Luther Kent
FEEL LIKE FUNKIN' UP--Rebirth Brass Band
MARDI GRAS IN NEW ORLEANS-- Charmaine Neville Band
JOE AVERY'S WHOOPIN' BLUES-- Sarah Spencer's Rue Conti Jazz Band.
Where's This Bourbon Street? --Brock-Perry
Caitlin and Caitlin Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
From Wikipedia.
While on the subject, it is interesting to note that James Butler, the area's first settler in 1820, either wasn't a War of 1812 veteran or wasn't buried in his cemtery, God's Acre.
Caitlin Township in Vermilion County, Illinois, was established in 1858 and has one town, Caitlin, with a population of 2,087. There are also three extinct towns in it: Bennett, Charity and Ryan.
The town of Caitlin was called Butler's Point when James Butler settled there in 1820. He established a cemetery in 1822 called God's Acre as well as Butler Cemetery. The first school was built in 1827 and also served as a church.
The Potawatomi Trail of Death also passed through the town in 1838.
God's Acre Cemetery, Vermilion County, Indiana
From Vermilion County Info.
In yesterday's posts, I mentioned several War of 1812 veterans being buried in Vermilion County in a cemeterey referred to as God's Acre. That was an interesting name so I had to do some further research on it.
God's Acre Cemetery is also known as Butler Cemetery ot Butler Burying Ground and is located in Caitlin Township, southwest of Caitlin.
It is one of the oldest cemeteries in the county with first burials either in 1822 or 1831. The last one was 1896. There are 108 known burials and 40 of them are for children under the age of ten.
Seven are Civil War veterans and three from the War of 1812.
It is not open to the public and permission must be obtained.
God's Acre. Good Name for a Cemetery. -- Brock-Perry
Monday, March 3, 2014
War of 1812 Veterans Buried Around Danville, Illinois-- Part 2
Buried in INDIANA ( Buried in Fountain, Warren and Vermillion counties) Cemeteries named after the name:
ANDREW AINSWORTH-- (Prescott Grove near Covington)
ISAAC COLEMAN-- (Riverside near Attica)
JOHN COX-- (Hillside near Williamsport)
ISAAC GOODING-- (Jacksonville near Wallace)
PETER HALL-- (Mound near Covington)
DARREL HELT-- (Helt's Prairie near Hillsdale)
EZRA KELLOGG-- (Old Baptist near Mellott)
PERRIN KENT-- (Gopher Hill near State Line)
SILAS LATHROP-- (Bear Creek near Fountain)
JOHN MARTIN-- (Davis near Covington)
JAMES McCORD-- (James near Winthrop)
ANDREW PEARCE--(Pine Valley)
GEORGE REDENBAUGH-- (Centennial near Yeddo)
JACOB SCHNORFF-- (Davis near Covington)
HEZEKIAH VAN DORN-- (Cooper's Chapel near Veedersburg).
War of 1812 Veterans Buried in Vermilion County, Illinois-- Part 1
From the Jan. 20, 2013, Danville (Ill.) Commercial News "War of 1812 almost forgotten" by Larry Weatherford.
Robert Allen of the Danville Public Library has given a list of War of 1812 veterans buried in Vermilion County, Illinois.
THOMAS BEERS-- (Middlefork near Potomac)
JOHN CASSEDAY-- (Georgetown)
ASA ELLIOT-- (God's Acre near Catlin)
PETER FRAZIER-- (Dougherty near Potomac)
ANTHONY GEBHART-- (Mount Pisgah near Georgetown)
REUBEN GOLLIDAY-- (Middlefork)
NOAH GUYMON-- (God's Acre near Catlin)
WILLIAM KID-- (Georgetown)
JOHN LAMON-- (Greenview near Fairmount)
HARVEY LUDDINGTON--(Spring Hill in Danville).
ANTHONY NOBLE-- (Stearns near Fithian)
ELIJAH POTTER-- (Johnson at Danville)
JOSEPH RAMEY-- (Georgetown)
ISAAC SANDUSKEY-- (Sanduskey near Westville)
JACOB STEWART-- (Middlefork)
JOHN VANCE-- (God's Acre)
Saturday, March 1, 2014
The Maryland 1814 Memorial Cannons-- Part 3
Today there are five 6-pdrs. from the fire are mounted on concrete pedestals with the date "1814" imprinted on each one. Two were found during waterfront construction of Fell's Point Recreation Pier.
They were designed by John Appleton, a member of the Society of the War of 1812 in Maryland, the Baltimore Municipal Art Commission and American Institute of Archaeology.
The Maryland 1814 Cannons in Patterson Park-- Part 2
The Society of the Daughters of the War of 1812 in the United States determined they should be placed at new sites to help Baltimore commemorate War of 1812 military sites from the Battle of Baltimore in 1814.
Two main sites selected were Riverside Park,(site of Fort Look-out in South Baltimore); Battery Babcock Monument (McComas Street, South Baltimore) and the best-known-- Patterson Park which was established in 1825 upon the grounds of the main land defenses for Baltimore in 1814, known then as Hampstead or Laudenslayer's Hill.
The Maryland 1814 Cannons in Patterson Park
From the Maryland in War of 1812 site "The 1814 Memorial Cannons of Patterson Park."
On August 14, 1903, at the annual meeting of the Society of the War of 1812 in Maryland, there was the proposal to distribute the War of 1812 cannons "musty and formidable old weapons of war-- planted in the streets in different sections of the city as [traffic] barriers."
On Feb. 7-8, 1904, the Great Baltimore Fire destroyed 140 acres and 1500 buildings in the city and along the waterfront. During the cleanup, many War of 1812 cannons were found.
More to Come. --Brock-Perry
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