Battle of New Orleans.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Defenders Day in Baltimore-- Part 1: Battle of North Point and Fort mchenry
From Wikipedia.
Is a legal holiday on September 12 in Baltimore, Maryland. It commemorates the successful defense of the city September 12-14, 1814.
In September 1814, just three weeks after the burning of Washington, D.C., the British Army, under Major General Ross landed at North Point, near present-day Fort Howard, and began an advance on the city from the southeast. They were met almost immediately by American forces, commencing the Battle of North Point.
Later, Fort McHenry was shelled and, of course, "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Baltimore Was Saved. --Brock-Perry
Monday, July 30, 2018
The Baltimore Fencibles-- Part 2: Privateer Interests
The Fencibles were also very actively engaged in the lucrative Baltimore privateer trade. A large percentage of the men in this unit had large investments and time in numerous privateer vessels sailing out of Baltimore Harbor to prey on British merchant shipping.
The most notable of these was Captain Tom Boyle's ship, the Chasseur. This ship later was widely known as the "Pride of Baltimore."
Privateers in the War of 1812 caused massive damage to the British economy, to the tune of over $40 million. This is nearly what Britain was paying to wage a single year of military campaigns in North America at the time.
Friday, July 27, 2018
The Baltimore Fencibles-- Part 1: The Only Non-Regular Unit in Fort McHenry
From Fort McHenry Guard.
The Baltimore Fencibles were a volunteer artillery company recruited from private citizens of Baltimore in 1813. The word fencibles was used by many units in the era to represent local defenders, or the Home Guard.
The Fencibles, led by Captain Joseph Hopper Nicholson, were Federalized militia who were invited to serve with Captain Evans' Regular Corps of Artillery within the walls of Fort McHenry due to the large number of regular artillery who were ill or unfit for duty.
The Fencibles were the only non-regulars to serve within the walls of the star-shaped fort.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Baltimore Fencibles at Fort McHenry-- Part 3: Not Casualties
Private Andrew Price ( ? - 11821) was AWOL during the attack.
Private Henry Stickney (1782-1862) Died in Mobile, Alabama
These were lieutenants at Fort McHenry during the attack:
1st. Lt. Jesse Eichelberger (1780-1830)
2nd Lt. Andrew Clopper )1771-1824)
There were two privates at the battle by the name Eichelberger. Might they be related to the lieutenant?
Private Louis Eichelberger (1791--1836)
Private William Otterbaum Eichelberg (1793-1860)
These were sergeants and corporals at Fort McHenry:
1st Sgt. David Fulton
(2nd Sgt. John Clemm (1780-1814) was killed)
(3rd Sgt. Samuel Harris (c1774-1858) slightly wounded)
4th Sgt. William Douglas (1791-1821)
1st Corp. John Ready (c1773-1835)
2nd Corp. Joseph A Wallace (1786-1838)
3rd Corp. Henry Armstron
4th Corp. Ralph Smith ( ? - 1827)
I did not do the enlisted men.
Baltimore Fencibles Wounded at Fort McHenry-- Part 2
From Monumental .City.
Besides Lt. Clagget and Sgt. Clemm, these Fencibles were in Fort McHenry during the attack and were wounded.
Private James Granger (1788-1874) Died near Zanesville, Ohio. Seriously wounded.
Private James L. Hawkins (1778-1849) Slightly wounded.
Private Abraham Lerew (1795- ?) Seriously wounded
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
The Baltimore Fencibles at Fort McHenry: Only Sixteen Still Alive in 1854
From the 23 September 1854 edition of the Daily National Intelligencer "A Little Matter of History."
"Soon after the commencement of the last war with England, more than forty years ago, between eighty and ninety citizens of Baltimore enrolled their names in a volunteer artillery company, called the Fencibles, and elected Jos.H. Nicholson Captain and John Barney and Nathaniel F. Williams Lieutenants.
"Being thus organized, a tender of their services was made to the General Government to be placed in Fort McHenry in case of a need as a part of its defence. The offer being accepted, the company was ordered to the fort for drill in the year 1813, and in 1814 occupied a part of the Star Fort, and during the bombardment lost two officers killed and several of the privates wounded.
"Of the men comprising the entire company it is believed only sixteen are now living, viz. Samuel Harris, John Barney, Walter Farnandis, Nathaniel F.Williams, Wm. Child, John F. Poor, Chas. S. Mayer, Jacob I. Cohen, Jr., Isaac Munroe, Thomas Spicer, Samuel Etting, George Douglass, Mendis I. Cohen, Philip Reigart, Wm. O. Eichelberger, Wm. S. Cooper."
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Private Walter Farnandis, Defender of Fort McHenry-- Part 2
In those days, , infantry militia service was compulsory for men, but men of means often opted to serve in self-equipping artillery or cavalry units that were considered a cut above the common infantry. Walter was one of those men of means who mostly made up the Baltimore Fencibles.
And this unit was even more special as they were the only militia unit who were a part of the Fort McHenry garrison at the time of the attack. As such, they participated in the famous Battle of Baltimore, defending Fort McHenry (and the famed Star-Spangled Banner) against the British Royal Navy during the 25-hour bombardment. that inspire Francis Scott Key to write our "National Anthem."
He is listed as a private in the Baltimore Fencibles in Monumental City, Baltimore.
After the battle, he made a small fortune in the dry goods business. Upon his death in 1856, he was able to give each of his eight children $10,000. That $80,000 would be equivalent to $1.8 million today.
Private Walter Farnandis, Defender of Fort McHenry-- Part 1
From Find-A-Grave.
One of Baltimore's heroic "Old Defenders" who participated in the gallant repulse of the British in 1814.
Born 9 May 1792 Died 9 January 1856.
Military Service during the War of 1812: Private, Baltimore Fencibles (Nicholson's), 1st Regiment of Artillery, 3rd Brigade, Maryland militia.
His parents died when he was very young and he was raised by his step mother. His father, James Farnandis, had been a hero in the American Revolution.
During the War of 1812, Walter Farnandis served in the Baltimore Fencibles under Captain Joseph Hopper Nicholson.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Baltimore Fencibles at Battle of Fort McHenry-- Part 1: Casualties
From The Monuments of the City (Baltimore) site. "The Baltimore Fencibles."
Members of the Fencibles at Fort McHenry during the attack.
Lieut. Clagett (1780-1814) and Sergeant Clemm (1780-1814) of Capt. Nicholson's Volunteers. Both killed.
3rd Sgt. Samuel Harris (c1774-1858) slightly wounded.
Private Thomas Claggett Not a casualty, but I am wondering if he might be related to Lt. Clagett. I have seen Claggett/Clagget/Clagett spelled several different ways.
I have seen the name spelled Claggett and Clagett.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Casualties At Battle of Fort McHenry
From the September 26, 2016, Burlington County Times "There were few American deaths at Fort McHenry" Leon C. Czartoryski "Opinion."
Of the Americans in Fort McHenry, around 1,000 under the command of Major George Armistead, at the time of the attack, only four were killed. including Lt. Levi Claggett and Sgt. Clemm, were a black soldier, Private William Williams, and a woman who was cut in half by a bomb as she carried supplies to the troops.
There were also 24 wounded.
I had read in several places that four Americans were killed and knew two of them were Claggett (Clagett) and Clemm and was wondering who the other two were.I'll find out some more about these other two.
Lt. Levi Claggett and Sgt. John Clemm Died at Fort McHenry
Lieutenant Levi Claggett was killed at Fort McHenry on September 13, 1814.
He was a part of the Baltimore Fencibles, a militia composed of local merchants, business owners and prominent citizens of Baltimore. Claggett was a 34-year-old flour merchant when he died.
While the British fleet was bombarding the fort, he was standing on Bastion #3. According to eyewitness accounts, a British mortar shell hit the bastion and dismounted the 24-pounder long gun. It broke the wheel of the cannon and the cannon fell on the lieutenant, crushing him.
Almost immediately after this, a bomb burst overhead and a piece of the shell "the size of a dollar and two inches thick" struck sergeant John Schultz Clemm in the abdomen. He died within a matter of minutes. It is said that friends took the piece of shrapnel out of him as a momento of the battle.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Fort McHenry Hauntings and War of 1812 Casualties
From the July 8, 2017, The Dead History Blog "The Phantom Soldiers of Baltimore's Fort McHenry."
Fort McHenry is one of the most haunted places in Baltimore.. The fort has several layers of history that tend to cause these hauntings.
Construction of Fort McHenry took place between 1798 and 1800 on the site of former Fort Whetstone. Then it became famous during the Battle of Baltimore.
The fort's commander, Major George Armistead reported that four defenders had died in the battle. The men killed were 3rd Lt. Levi Claggett, Sergeant John Clemm, Private Charles Messenger and Thomas V. Beaston. That is four possible hauntings right there.
An additional 24 men were wounded.
Then, it was a prison during the Civil War and a hospital for soldiers returning from World War I with the Spanish flu.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Major Armistead's Fort McHenry Battle Report-- Part 5: "Did Their Duty To My Entire Satisfaction"
"The Bombardment continued on the part of the Enemy until seven OClock on Wednesday Morning, when it ceased and about nine, they Ships got under weigh and Stood down the River. During the Bombardment which continued 25 Hours, (with two slight intermissions) from the best calculation I can make, from fifteen to Eighteen hundred Shells were [thrown] by the Enemy, a few of them fell short, a large proportion burst over us, and threatening destruction, many passed over, and about four hundred fell within the Works.
"Two of the public buildings are materially injured, the others but slightly.
"I am happy to inform you (wonderful as it may appear) that our loss amounts to only four Men Killed, and twenty four Wounded, the latter will all recover. Among the Killed, I have to lament the loss of Lieut. Clagget, and Sergeant Clemm. both of Capt. Nicholsons Volunteers, two Men whose fate is to be deplored, not only for their personal bravery,, but for their high Standing, amiable Demeanor, and spotless integrity in private life.
"Lieut. Russel of the Company under Lt. Penington received early in the attack a severe contusion in the Heel, notwithstanding which He remained at his post during the whole Bombardment.
"Was I to name any individuals who signalized themselves, it would be doing injustice to others, suffice to say, that every Officer and Soldier under my Command did their duty to my entire satisfaction.
"I have the honor
to remain respectfully
Your Ob. Servt
H. Armistead
Lieut. Col. U.S.A. (Evidently, he had already been promoted in the ten days since the battle.)
Major Armistead's Report on Fort McHenry-- Part 4: The Navy's Aid in the Battle
"In justice to Lieut. Newcomb of the U.S. Navy, who commanded at Fort Covington with a Detachment of Sailors, and Lieut. Webster of the Flotilla, who commanded the six Gun Battery near the Fort, I ought to State that during this time they kept up an animated and I believe a very destructive fire, to which I am persuaded We are much indebted in repulsing the Enemy.
"One of our sunken Barges has since been found with two dead Men in it, others have been found floating in the River. The only means We had of directing our Guns was by the blaze of their Rocketts, and the flashes f their Guns, had they ventured to the same situation in the day time, not a man would have escaped."
I'd say he was referring to dead British soldiers on the barges and floating in the river.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Major Armistead's Report on Battle of Fort McHenry-- Part 3: A British Landing
"The Enemy continued throwing Shells with one or two Slight intermissions, till One OClock in the Morning of Wednesday, when it was discovered that He had availed himself of the darkness of the Night and had thrown a considerable force above to our right, they had approached very near to Fort Covington, when they began to throw Rocketts, intended, I presume, to give them an opportunity of examining the Shores, as I have since understood, they had detached 1250 picked Men with Scaling ladders for the purpose of Storming this Fort.
"We once more had an opportunity of opening our Batteries, and Kept up a continued blaze for nearly two Hours, which had the effect again to drive them off."
Monday, July 16, 2018
Major Armistead's Report on Battle Fort McHenry-- Part 2: A Cannon Dismounted
"It affords me the highest gratification to State, that though we were left thus exposed, and thus inactive, not a Man Shrunk from the conflict.
"About 2 OClock, P.M. one of the 24 pounders on the South West Bastion under the immediate command of Capt. Nicholson, was dismounted by a Shell, the explosion from which killed his 2nd Lieut and wounded several of his Men; the bustle necessarily produced in removing the Wounded and remounting the Gun probably induced the Enemy to suspect that We were in a state of confusion, as he brought in three of his Bomb Ships to what I believed to be good striking distance, I immediately ordered a fire to be opened, which was obeyed with alacrity through the whole Garrison, and in half an hour those intruders again Sheltered themselves by withdrawing beyond our reach.
"We gave three Cheers and again ceased firing."
Finally, A Chance to Fight Back. --Brock-Perry
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Major Armistead's Report of the Battle at Fort McHenry-- Part 1: British Were Out of Range
This report is in the U.S. National Archives.
George Armistead wrote the report ten days after the battle and was sent to Secretary of War James Monroe.
24th of September
"On Tuesday morning about Sun rise, the Enemy commenced the attack from his five bomb vessels, at the distance of about two Miles, when finding that his Shells reached Us, He anchored, and Kept Up an incessant and well-directed Bombardment.
"We immediately opened our Batteries and kept up a brisk fire from our Guns and Mortars, but unfortunately our Shot and Shells all fell considerably Short of him; this was to me a most distressing circumstance as it left us exposed to a constant and tremendous Shower of Shells without the most remote possibility of our doing him the slightest injury."
Not a Good Way To Fight a Battle. --Brock-Perry
Friday, July 13, 2018
James McHenry-- Part 3: Adams Asked for Resignation
As Secretary of War, McHenry argued against reducing military forces. He was instrumental in organizing the U.S. Army into four regiments, a troop of dragoons and a battery of artillery. He is also credited with establishing the United States Depart of the Navy.
When John Adams became president, he kept McHenry on as Secretary of War. Bit things went sour between them and in May 1800, he asked for McHenry's resignation which he did.
Leading up to the War of 1812, McHenry was a Federalist.
An attack of paralysis in 1814 left him without the use of his legs and in severe pain. He died two years later in 1816 and is buried in Baltimore's Westminster Burying Ground.
Fort McHenry was named for him.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
James McHenry-- Part 2: Appointed Secretary of War Under Washington
James McHenry was paroled in January 1777 and released from parole in March. General George Washington was impressed with him so made him aide as secretary in May 1779. McHenry was present at the Battle of Monmouth.
In August 1780, he was transferred to Major General Lafayette's staff where he remained until he retired from the army in 1781.
Later, he participated in the Constitutional Convention.
During George Washington's second term as president, he appointed James McHenry as his Secretary of War in 1796. One of his major tasks was to transition the western military posts from British control to American.under the terms of the Jay Treaty.
James McHenry-- Part 1: Physician From Ireland
From Wikipedia.
James McHenry (1753-1816)
In the last post, I mentioned that Fort McHenry was named after this man.
Born in Ireland. American military surgeon and statesman. Was the third U.S. Secretary of War, serving under George Washington and John Adams.
In 1771, his family sent him to the North American colonies for his health and to see if moving there would be a good idea. He apprenticed under Benjamin Rush to be a physician. Practiced medicine and became a surgeon.
During the American Revolution he served as a physician. On August 10, 1776, he was appointed surgeon of the Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion and stationed at Fort Washington, New York. He was taken prisoner when the fort was captured by Sir William Howe.
While prisoner, he observed the poor medical conditions the prisoners had, but nothing came of it.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Fort McHenry Named After James McHenry
From Wikipedia.
Fort McHenry was named for an early American statesman James McHenry (1753-1816).
Was an Irish immigrant and surgeon-soldier. Was a delegate to the Continental Congress from Maryland and a signer of the U.S. Constitution.
Secretary of War 1796 to 1800 and served under Presidents Washington and John Adams.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
William McHenry Fort McHenry Not Named for Him (McHenry County in Illinois Named After Him)
McHenry County, Illinois, and the City of McHenry, Illinois both named in his honor.
Born 3 October 1771 and Died 3 February 1835 at age 63.
Buried at Old State Cemetery (also called Old City Cemetery) in Vandalia, Illinois.
Of interest, Colonel Lucien Greathouse of the 48th Illinois Infantry is also buried there. He was killed at the Battle of Atlanta in 1864 at the age of 22. I'll be writing about his life in my Saw the Elephant Civil War blog today.
Monday, July 9, 2018
McHenry County, Illinois, Not Named for Fort McHenry
We moved out to McHenry County, Illinois, twenty-five years ago and for a very long time I was sure that the county was named after Fort McHenry. It turns out it wasn't.
It was named for William McHenry of Illinois.
He also fought in the War of 1812.
For more information on him, click on the label below.
Was the Battle of Fort McHenry the Beginning of the End for Major Armistead?-- Part 2
Sam Smith's Book blog calls Armistead's death and example of PTSD.
As I wrote a couple blogs ago, historian Benson Lossing wrote that the defense of the fort placed a "tax upon his nervous system during that bombardment left him with a disease of the heart...on the 25 of April, 1818 he expired, at the age of thirty eight years.
Anyway you look at it, Major George Armistead died at quite a young age.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Was the Battle of Fort McHenry the Beginning of the End for Major Armistead?-- Part 1
I have been looking for information on what George Armistead died of in 1818 and not having much luck.
From NPS.gov site. "Reading 1: Armistead's Account of the Battle.
In a report written to Secretary of War James Monroe, George Armistead gave his account of the famous battle. It was dated September 24, 1814. Of interest, it was written ten days after the battle. You'd have thought he would have written right away after winning such an important battle, yet, the letter was dated ten days after the battle.
It opened with: "A severe indisposition, the effect of great fatigue and exposure, has prevented me heretofore from presenting you with an account of the attack on this Post...."
Did this problem continue after the attack to his death.
I have read that he continued to command Fort McHenry until his death.
Friday, July 6, 2018
George Armistead-- Part 7: His Death
From the Battle of Baltimore site.
On April 25, 1818, Brevet Lt. Col. George Armistead, 38, died at the home of his brother-in-law Christopher Hughes Jr.
His funeral included defenders of the 1814 Fort McHenry and citizens who proceeded to Old St. Paul's cemetery while minute guns were fired from the federal Hill Observatory. Here among the enclosing walls of the burying ground his remains were laid to rest.
On the high eminence of Federal Hill overlooking Baltimore's waterfront is a monument to the commander of Fort McHenry.
George Armistead-- Part 6: An Early Death
Following the battle, Armistead was brevetted to lieutenant colonel. Much weakened by his arduous preparations, he died in at age 38, just four years later in 1818.
Historian Benson Lossing wrote that Armistead was a victim of the British attack. "The tax upon his nervous system during that bombardment left him with a disease of the heart... on the 25 of April, 1818, he expired at age of thirty eight years."
His funeral procession was described as "immense" and his name was immortalized by the construction of a marble monument that overlooks the city.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
George Armistead-- Part 5: The British Withdraw
Because the British fleet was unable to get Fort McHenry to surrender in order to enter Baltimore Harbor and bombard the American defensive line east of the city, the British commander-in-chief Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane wrote to the British Army commander approaching those defenses, Colonel Arthur Brooke that it would be up to him to determine whether to attack.
Brooke had taken over command of the British Army after British Major General Robert Ross had been mortally wounded just before the Battle of North Point on September 12. He decided to withdraw.
Baltimore was safe.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Thomas's Big Job-- Part 2: What Did George Do?
"Yes, the Declaration of Independence formally announces our break with Great Britain. But why? Does it give a hint of a reason, beyond the famous but vague phrases about self-evident truths and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
"Yes it does. The bulk of the 1,337 words are a protracted list of grievances against one man, King George III, the 'Author of our Miseries,' to use the words of Richard Henry Lee.
"Thirteen consecutive paragraphs, each 'beginning 'He has...' gives a list of detailed gripes. The king 'refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.' He called together 'legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant.' He dissolved legislatures and blocked elections."
The rest of the column by Mr. Steinberg paints our President Trump as being the new King George III. Worth a read.
So That Is That. --Brock-Perry
Thomas's Big Job-- Part 1: The Declaration of Independence
From the July 4, 2018, Chicago Sun-Times "Spirit of '76, Part 2: If you're lost, check the map" by Neil Steinberg.
"It is essentially a memo drafted by a committee, albeit one that had the good sense to delegate the work to the best writer in the group, Thomas Jefferson.
"The 33-year-old Virginian required -- anyone sweating a deadline please take note -- 18 days to turn around his assignment, writing the first draft of the Declaration of Independence in quill and ink in his rented two-room suite at the home of Philadelphia bricklayer Jacob Graff."
This document formally announces our break from Great Britain.
4th of July: Part of It Is About The Flags
And,, I have plenty of U.S. flags and items up for today outside the house.
Plus, I have a 34-star round flag from 1861-1863.
And, since June 16 I have been writing about that most famous of U.S. flags, the one that flew over Fort McHenry that inspired that song.
Happy 242nd birthday, U.S.A..
In the Mood for Patriotism. --Brock-Perry
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
George Armistead-- Part 4: A Flag So Large British Would Have Problem Seeing It From a Distance
When he arrived at Fort McHenry, he immediately ordered "a flag so large the British would have no difficulty seeing it from a distance." This became the "Star-Spangled Banner" made so famous by Francis Scott Key.
During the nearly 25-hour bombardment which began before dawn September 13, 1814, and the morning of September 14, Armistead alone knew that the fort's magazine was not bombproof. When a shell crashed through the roof of it, but failed to explode, Armistead ordered the powder barrels cleared out.and placed under the rear walls of the fort.
Remarkably, only four of his men were killed when two shells smashed into the fort's southwest bastion.
Some 2,000 shells were fired by the British fleet.
George Armistead-- Part 3: At Capture of Fort George and Ordered To Command Fort McHenry
George Armistead reentered the U.S. Army February 16, 1801, and was commissioned a lieutenant in the 2nd Regiment U.S. Artillerists and Engineers. He was promoted to captain November 1, 1806
He was one of five brothers who served in the War of 1812 in either the Army or militia.
On March 3, 1813, he was promoted to major of the 3rd Artillery Regiment. He distinguished himself in the capture of Fort George near the mouth of the Niagara River on May 27, 1813, while serving at Fort Niagara. Afterwards, he carried the captured British flags to President Madison.
When he arrived in Washington, D.C., he was ordered to take command of Fort McHenry.
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Civil War General Cornelius Gilbert Attwood Received Remnants of the Star-Spangled Banner
On June 22, I wrote about George Preble giving this man pieces of the flag that flew over Fort McHenry.
Cornelius Attwood fought in the Civil War with the 2nd Massachusetts.
I have been writing about him in my Saw the Elephant Civil War blog and you can check him out by going to My Blog List to the right of this and clicking on the Civil War blog.
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