Battle of New Orleans.
Friday, September 28, 2018
1872 River Raisin Survivors Reunion-- Part 1: Was George Custer At This One As Well?
From the "Custer in Photographs" book by D. Mark Katz.
Evidently, there were no photographs taken at the 1872 Reunion as there had been at the one in 1871 as the book did not have one in it.
However, in the back of the book is a very full Custer Chronology, which for July 4, 1872, says that Custer attended the reunion of the veterans of the War of 1812 in Monroe, Michigan.
He Be There. --Brock-Perry
Thursday, September 27, 2018
River Raisin Survivors 1871 Reunion-- Part 5: Plans for the 1872 Reunion
Peter and Robert Navarre continued to reside in the area until their deaths. Frank Boroff, the centenarian, was born in Pennsylvania in 1770. The united ages of the group were 1,168 years, an average of nearly 90 years.
"The pleasure derived at this assembly gave rise to extensive preparations for welcoming to the old battle grounds the survivors of the War of 1812." The date chosen was July 4, 1872.
An amazing number of the old veterans from Harrison's army, serving at Fort Meigs and elsewhere in this section during the War of 1812, 121, responded in person to the invitations.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
River Raisin Survivors 1871 Reunion-- Part 4: Attendees
Louis Jacobs, 96
Henry Mason, 79
James B. Nadeau, 77
Peter Navarre, 82
Robert F. Navarre, 81
Joseph Poulke, 80
George Younglove, 77
David Van Pelt, 89
William Walters, 88
Thomas Whelpley, 73
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
River Raisin Survivors 1871 Reunion-- Part 3: In Attendance
These were those in attendance, followed by their age:
John Beseau, 80
Francis Lazarre, , 82
John Clapper, 76
Jean DeChovin, 77
Hall Deland, 75
Bronson French, 82
Joseph Guyor The man who organized it and held it at his place.
Charles Hixon, 76
F. Boraff, age 100 yrs, 7 months
Monday, September 24, 2018
River Raisin Veterans 1871 Reunion-- Part 2: Another Reunion in 1872
The occasion was so thoroughly enjoyed by the guests that a suggestion was made and cordially received that ample preparations for the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the River Raisin should be made the following year (1872), and that general invitations should be extended bu correspondence and published notices in the newspapers of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, to all the survivors of the Battle of the River Raisin.
It was afterwards determined, as the anniversary would occur at such an inclement of the year (January) that few of the old survivors could attend from such a distance, to hold a convention on the following 4th of July, 1872.
--Quite a Reunion. --Brock-Perry
The 1871 Gathering of War of 1812 Veterans in Monroe, Michigan-- Part 1
From Geneaology Trails, Monroe County, Michigan, Military.
*History of the War of 1812* By Talcott E. Wing, Editor New York Munsell & Company, publishers. 1890. Submitted by Veneta McKinney.
In early June 1871, a notice appeared in the Monroe City papers of an invitation for War of 1812 veterans from the Battle of the River Raisin to assemble at the residence of Joseph Guyor on what was known as Guyor's Island,
On June 15, nineteen survivors of the battle attended along with prominent citizens of Monroe.
A banquet was prepared for the old heroes and a cordial welcome was tendered by the Honorable Herman J. Redfield, mayor of Monroe. This was followed by addresses by General George A. Custer, Col. I.R. Grosven, Col. Lucas and others.
The afternoon was pleasantly passed recounting memories of the war as well as anecdotes of a local character.
A copy of the photograph taken of the gathering was also included.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
June 25, 1876, a Particularly Bad Day for the Custer Clan
As long as I am on the subject, a large number of Emmanuel Henry Custer's family died on June 25, 1876, out at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
George Armstrong Custer (December 5, 1839-June 25, 1876, age 36) For the location of these two burials, see the preceding blog entry.
Thomas Ward Custer (March 15, 1845-June 25, 1876, age 31)
Boston Custer (October 31, 1848-June 25, 1876, age 27) Buried Woodland Cemetery, Monroe, Michigan.
James Calhoun (August 24, 1845-June 25, 1876, age 30) Married to Emanuel's daughter Margaret Emma Custer Calhoun. Buried Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Harry Armstrong "Autie" Reed (April 27, 1858-June 25, 1876, age 18) Buried Woodland Cemetery, Monroe, Wisconsin.
That had to be a hard time in Monroe, Michigan, when the family found out about the battle.
Poor Emanuel Custer. --Brock-Perry
Where George and Tom Custer Are Buried
As long as I am on burials, two other of the Custer boys are buried elsewhere from Woodland Cemetery.
Thomas Ward Custer, younger brother of George Custer is buried at the Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. His gravestone says he was awarded two Medals of Honor during the Civil War and he died with his brother at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
George Armstrong Custer was killed at the Battle of the Little Big Horn and his body initially buried in a shallow grave on the site. A year later, he was dug up and reburied with full military honors at the West Point Cemetery on October 10, 1877.
Custer and the Civil War, His Confederate Friend and George Washington
Besides in this blog, with George Custer's connection to the War of 1812, I have been writing about George Custer in the Civil War, primarily at this point on his running into a friend of his from his USMA at West Point, Lt. James Worrell Washington during the war.
Only, his friend was now in the Confederate Army. And now, a Union prisoner after the Battle of Seven Pines. A picture was taken of the two friends, now adversaries.
You can find out about this "reunion" as well as its connection to John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry and the George Washington relics at my Saw the Elephant Civil War blog.
Click on the My Blogs slot to the right of this.
Woodland Cemetery in Monroe, Michigan: Famous Burials
From Find-A-Grave.
George Armstrong Custer's father, Emanuel Henry Custer is buried in this cemetery. Other persons of note buried there:
Several U.S. and Michigan legislators including Isaac Peckham Christiancy, David Noble, Edwin Willits and Austin Wing.
Civil War:
Col. George W. Spalding, 12th Tennessee Cavalry
Brevet Brig. General , US Regular Army Joseph Rowe Smith, Sr.
Also, from the Civil War:
Boston Custer, son of Emanuel Henry Custer and brother of George Armstrong Custer. Killed at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
Also died at Battle of Little Big Horn:
Harry Armstrong "Autie" Reed, nephew of George Armstrong Custer and Boston Custer. Killed at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Emanuel Henry Custer: George A. Custer's Father
In the last post, I mentioned that one of the War of 1812 veterans in the 1871 photograph with Lt.Col. Custer was an Emmanuel Custer. I wondered whether he might be a relative of Custer.
He was.
Emanual, spelled with one "m" was George A. Custer's father.
From Find-A-Grave.
Born 10 December 1806 in Cresaptown , Maryland (It is doubtful then, at ages 6 to 9, that he was War of 1812 veteran.)
Death 29 November 1892 in Monroe, Michigan.
Buried in Woodland Cemetery in Monroe, Michigan.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Lt.Col. Custer and War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 5: The Front Tow
Age is shown after the name. The photograph is dated July 4, 1871.
Peter Navarre, 82
James B. Nadeau, 77
Emmanual Custer,
Robert F. Navarre, 80
Joseph Foulke, 80
Bronson French, 82
I wonder if Emmanuel Custer was a relation of George A. Custer?
Lt.Col. Custer and War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 4: The Men In the Photo
CENTER ROW (from left with ages):
John B. Beaseau, 80
George Younglove, 77
Fred Boroff, 100, 7 months
David Van Pelt, 89
Louis Jacobs, 96
Charles Hixon, 76
Henry Mason, 79
Thomas Whelpley, 73
Joseph Guyor, 88
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Lt. Colonel Custer and the War of 1812-- Part 3: War of 1812 Veterans
K-106 -- Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer and veterans of the War of 1812, July 4, 1871, by Simon Wing, Monroe, Michigan. Copied from the unique, original, direct-contact albumen print, courtesy of the Monroe County Historical Commission.
Taken at the residence of Joseph Guyor, Guyonr's Island, two miles east of Monroe, Michigan.
TOP ROW: John Beshear, John Clapper, age 76; Lieutenant Colonel George A, Custer; Francis Lazarre, age 82; Jean DeChovin, age 72.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Lt.Col. Custer and War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 2: Custer in 1871
The photograph was taken July 4, 1871. The book has a timeline of Custer's life in the back of it.
The end of 1870 found Custer and his regiment at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
JAN. 11-- Custer is given 120 days leave to consider resigning from the Army. Custer and his wife Libbie return to Monroe, Michigan.
From there, Custer travels to New York to investigate a financial career.
FEBRUARY-- Custer is in New York, hoping to sell some mining stock.
SUMMER-- Custer travels between Monroe, Michigan, and New York City.
JULY-- While in New York and Saratoga, Custer asks for and receives a 30-day extension on his leave.
JULY 4-- Custer is in Monroe, Michigan, for a reunion of the veterans of the War of 1812.
SEPTEMBER 3-- Custer is ordered to report to his new post at Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
NOVEMBER 20-- Custer and Libbie are in Lexington, Kentucky. For two weeks they visit in Louisville and Cincinnati, Ohio.
For Some More On Custer
I have also been writing about George Armstrong Custer in my Saw the Elephant Civil War blog.
He went to the USMA at West Point with James Barroll Washington from Baltimore and the two became great friends. But, Washington (a distant relative of George Washington, joined the Confederacy in the Civil War. he was captured at the Battle of Seven Pines and encountered Custer while a prisoner.
The two relived old days and sat for photographs.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Custer and the War of 1812-- Part 2: Custer and River Raisin Massacres
George Armstrong Custer remembered the Raisin as well. He spent much of his youth in Monroe, Michigan, the city that grew up along the River Raisin.
In 1871, he was photographed with War of 1812 veterans beside a monument to Americans slaughtered during and especially after the battle.
Five years later, George A, Custer also died fighting Indians, in one of the most lopsided defeats for U.S. forces since the River Raisin Battle 63 years before his massacre.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Sept. 14, 1814: By the Dawn's Early Light, "The Star-Spangled Banner"
On this date in 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote his poem "The Defence of Fort McHenry" after witnessing the British bombardment of Baltimore's McHenry in Maryland during the War of 1812.
It was later set to music and renamed "The Star-Spangled Banner" and, you know the rest.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Custer and the War of 1812-- Part 1: The River Raisin Massacre
From the Smithsonian Magazine "The Ten Things You Didn't Know About the War of 1812" by Tony Horwitz and Brian Wolly.
Yesterday I wrote about a photograph of George Armstrong Custer and War of 1812 veterans taken in 1871.
7. The Ill-fated General Custer had his start in this war.
In 1813, by the River Raisin in Michigan, British and their Indian allies dealt the U.S. its most stinging defeat in the War of 1812, and the battle was followed by an Indian attack on the wounded prisoners, often referred to as a massacre. The incident sparked the American battle cry, "Remember the Raisin."
William Henry Harrison, who later led the U.S. to victory against the British and Indians, is remembered on his tomb as the "Avenger of the Massacre of the River Raisin."
George Armstrong Custer grew up in Monroe, Michigan, located by the River Raisin.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Lt.Col. George Armstrong Custer and War of 1812 Veterans
From the book "Custer in Photographs" by D. Mark Katz.
Yesterday I bought this book at the Friends of the Woodstock (Illinois) Library book sale room. It contains every known photograph of the man, at least up until the publish date in 1985.
Quite an accomplishment, but you can only look at so many pictures of Custer and it gets boring.
However, on page 90, I found a picture of him posing with War of 1812 veterans on July 4, 1871. These were quite some elderly gentlemen back then.
Custer stands in the back row in one of his classic, but not in a military uniform, poses looking to his right whereas all the rest are looking forwards.
Could this be one of the largest gatherings of War of 1812 veterans ever photographed? There are 19 of them in the picture.
James Lingan-- Part 2: American Revolution "I'll Rot First"
James Lingan enlisted in the Continental Army just nine days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. He became a lieutenant in the Rawlings Additional Regiment, but was captured at Fort Washington on November 16, 1776. James McHenry, for whom Fort McHenry in Baltimore was named, was also captured at this fort.
His imprisonment on the infamous prison hulk HMS Jersey. He was initially kept in a cell where he could neither lie down or stand up. A distant cousin, Samuel Hood, approached him and offered 10,000 pounds and a commission in the British Army to switch sides. He reportedly answered, "I'll rot first."
He later gained the reputation as a defender of prisoner rights. On one occasion, he defended the body of a recently deceased prisoner from guards who wanted to behead the corpse to make it fit into a small coffin.
He remained on the ship until the end of the war.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Tinley Park Gets Piece of World Trade Center
From the September 6, 2016, NBC 5 Chicago News. Al Romero.
The mangled wreckage of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York City is perhaps the most enduring image of the 9/11 attacks. (For me, the image is of the towers with the smoke coming out of the upper stories against that beautiful blue sky.)
Now, Tinley Park, a Chicago suburb, will get a piece of it to build a memorial. Firefighters from Tinley Park will travel to the New York area next week to pick up the beam. They hope to have it back in time for the 10th anniversary commemoration and eventually the village hopes to have it included in a permanent memorial for first responders.
Fire departments across the country were offered pieces of the WTC wreckage.
Frankfort and Oak lawn are other Chicago-area communities where pieces of the wreckage are on display to honor the first responders at the site.
Monday, September 10, 2018
James Lingan, Revolutionary War Hero and Victim of Baltimore Riots-- Part 1
From Wikipedia.
Born May 15, 1751 Died July 28, 1812 (age 61, Baltimore, Maryland)
Died in the Baltimore Riots
Officer in the Continental Army and a senior officer in the Maryland State Militia.
Taken prisoner at Fort Washington early in the American Revolution and spent several years aboard a British prison hulk ship. Always and outspoken advocate of the freedom of the press, at the beginning of the War of 1812, Lingan was murdered by a while defending the office of an anti war Federalist newspaper in Baltimore.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
"Light-Horse Harry" Lee-- Part 5: Seriously Injured in the Riots and Death
Henry Lee III suffered serious and extensive internal injuries, as well as face and head wounds and even his speech was affected. His observed symptoms were consistent with what today would be called post traumatic stress disorder. He went home but was unable to heal and then he went to the West Indies in an effort to recuperate from his injuries.
On his way back to Virginia, he died March 25, 1818, at Dungeness on Cumberland Island, Georgia. He was cared for there by Nathaniel Greene's daughter Louisa.
"Light-Horse Harry" Lee was buried at a small cemetery in Dungeness with full military honors provided by the American fleet at St. Marys, Georgia. In 1913, his remains were removed to the Lee family crypt at Lee Chapel on the campus of Washington & Lee University in Lexington, Virginia.
Friday, September 7, 2018
"Light-Horse Harry" Lee-- Part 4: The Baltimore Riots of 1812
Lee retired from public service in 1801 and lived at Stratford Plantation, but did a poor job managing it. Financial misfortunes followed him until in 1809 he was bankrupt and served one year in debtors prison. After his release he moved his family to Alexandria, Virginia.
During the Baltimore Riots of 1812 he received grave injuries while resisting an attack on his old friend, Alexander Contee Hanson, editor of the Baltimore newspaper, the Federal Republican, a strongly anti-Madison and War of 1812 paper.
On July 27, 1812, a Baltimore Democrat-Republican mob attacked and Lee and Hanson and two dozen other Federalists had taken refuge in the newspaper offices. They surrendered to Baltimore city officials the next day and were jailed for their safety.
Laborer George Woolslager led a mob that forced its way into the jail. They removed Hanson, Lee and the other Federalists and beat and tortured them over the next three hours. All were severely injured and one of them, James Lingan, and American Revolution hero, died.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Henry Lee III-- Part 3: Politician and Marriages
Henry Lee organized the Virginia militia. When war with Britain became imminent, Lee requested asked President James Madison for a commission, but that didn't happen.
From 17886 to 1788, Lee was a delegate to the Congress of the Confederation and in 1788 a delegate at the Virginia convention to ratify the U.S. Constitution. From 1789 to 1791, he served in Virginia's General Assembly and then from 1791 to 1794, he was governor of Virginia.
Then, 1791 to 1801, he served as a U.S. Representative. He gave a famous eulogy for former President Washington when he died. in 1799, with the words: "First in war, First in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen."
He married twice and it was from the second one that Robert E. Lee was born.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Henry Lee III-- Part 2: Hero of the American Revolution and How He Got the Nickname
During the American Revolution, he commanded a mixed group of infantry and cavalry called Lee's Legion where he won great acclaim of the leader of light troops.
At that time, highly mobile groups of light cavalry provided valuable service not only during major battles, but also by conducting reconnaissance and surveillance , engaging enemy troops during their movement, disrupting the delivery of supplies, raiding, skirmishing and expeditions behind enemy lines.
During his time in command of Lee's Legion, he gained the nickname "Light-Horse Harry." After being awarded the Gold Medal by the Continental Congress, he was transferred to the southern theater and where he fought with Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, and where he captured many British outposts and distinguished himself.
He was present at the British surrender at Yorktown, but resigned from the Army shortly afterwards.
In 1794, George Washington put him in command of militia troops to defeat the Whiskey Rebellion then, in anticipation of war with France, he was appointed major general. In 1808, President Jefferson recommissioned him as major general in anticipation of war with England.
Major General Henry Lee III-- Part 1: "Light-Horse Harry"
From Wikipedia.
One of the men almost killed while defending Alexander Contee Hanson, was a hero of the American Revolution and owner of a famous nick-name. He would be Henry Lee III.
(January 29, 1756-March 25, 1818)
Was ninth governor of Virginia and a U.S. representative from Virginia. His service during the American Revolution earned him the nickname by which he is probably best known, "Light-Horse Harry." Lee was also the father of the Civil War's Robert E. Lee.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Alexander Cortee Hanson-- Part 5: Belmont Estate
From Wikipedia.
Belmont Estate is now Belmont Manor Historic Park and is located in Elkridge, Maryland. From the late 17th century until 1962 the property was privately owned.
It has been associated with important people during this time, but I will concentrate on Alexander Contee Hanson since I have been writing about him.
The plantation house, built around 1738 is an example of Colonial Georgian architecture. Property now contains around 68 acres. The land eventually was passed on to Priscilla, the wife of Alexander Contee Hanson.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Alexander Cortee Hanson-- Part 4: His Grave
From Find-A-Grave.
Birth: 27 February 1786
Annapolis, Maryland
Death 23 April 1819 (Age 39)
Elkridge, Maryland
Burial: Hanson Family Burial Ground This cemetery is located at his estate, "Belmont">
Elkridge, Maryland
There is more information about what I have already covered in the last several posts, but strangely, no mention of the Baltimore Riots of 1812.
Alexander Cortee Hanson-- Part 3: After the Baltimore Riots
I had never heard of the Baltimore riots of 1812 before until I found out about Mayor Edward Johnson of Baltimore's role in it.
After the Riots: A Political Career
In 1812, Hanson was elected as a Federalist representing the 3rd District of Maryland to the 13th and 14th Congresses, serving from March 4, 1813, until he resigned in 1816. he also became a member of the American Antiquarian Society in 1815.
In 1816, he was an unsuccessful candidate for election to the Maryland House of Delegates, but was elected as a Federalist to the U.S. Senate to fill the tenure of Robert Goodloe Harper who had resigned. He served that post from December 20, 1816, until his own death on his estate "Belmont" near Elkridge, Maryland. (This place still stands.)
In 1805, he was married to Priscilla Dorsey.
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Alexander Cortee Hanson-- Part 2: The Baltimore Riot
Undeterred by this, Hanson reissued the paper on July 28 from another building where he was joined by a group of armed friends to protect him. When the mob came again, they besieged the building and Hanson and his group opened fire, killing two of the mob.
On the morning of July 29, Hanson and his group surrendered to Baltimore's local militia and were escorted to jail.
That evening, the mob came back and stormed the jail and Hanson was beaten and left for dead. James Lingan, a military officer who came to Hanson's defense, died as a result of the violence. Also, Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee, hero of the American Revolution and father of future Confederate General Robert R. Lee, was there and was injured.
Alexander Hanson recovered, though, and moved his paper to Georgetown, District of Columbia, where he published it unmolested. He later moved to Rockville, Maryland.
And You Think Things Are Bad Now? At Least They Weren't Pulling Down Statues. --Brock-Perry
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Alexander Cortee Hanson and the Baltimore Lynch Mob-- Part 1
In the last post I mentioned how Baltimore Mayor Edward Johnson risked his life to save this man and Robert E. Lee's father, Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee from a lynch mob in Baltimore in 1812. I'd never heard of this before so some more research was in order.
From Wikipedia.
February 27, 1786 to April 23, 1819
Lawyer, publisher and statesman. Born in Annapolis, Maryland.
He studied law and was admitted to the Maryland bar and had a practice in Annapolis. From 1811 to 1815, he was a member of the Maryland House of Delegates.
Hanson established and edited the Federalist Republican an extreme Federalist newspaper in Baltimore. On June 22, 1812, four days after the declaration of war on Britain, a mob that was irritated by his articles denouncing the Madison administration destroyed his office.
Anti-Federalists? --Brock-Perry
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