Battle of New Orleans.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
USS Constitution Celebrates 221st Birthday
From the October 20, 2018, 7 News Boston.
This was celebrated Saturday, October 20 in honor of the USS Constitution's 221st birthday on October 21, 1797.
It is the world's oldest commissioned warship.
The event also celebrates the birthday of the U.S. Navy on October 13, 1776 and the launching of the destroyer USS Cassin Young on December 31, 1943. It is also at the Charleston Navy Yard along with the USS Constitution.
Naval drills, rope and knot-making will be demonstrated and there will be a scavenger hunt..
The crew of the USS Constitution are all current active duty U.S. Navy sailors.
--Brock- perry
Monday, October 29, 2018
Green Clay's Children: Sons Brutus Junius Clay and Cassius Marcellus Clay
Farmer, cattle breeder, Kentucky state legislature, U.S. Congressman.
!862 elected as a Unionist to U.S. Congress. Held seat from 1863-1865 and was chairman of the Agriculture Committee. Returned to farming.
Older brother of Union Army Major General Cassius Marcellus Clay.
One of his sons, Green Clay, was a colonel in the U.S. Army's 3rd Kentucky Cavalry 1862-1865. Another son, Exekiel Field Clay was lieutenant colonel of the 3rd Battalion Kentucky Mounted Rifles, was wounded and lost an eye, captured, held at Johnson's Island, Ohio until January 1865. After war was a horse breeder. His horses won the Kentucky Derby twice.
Abolitionist, Freed slaves he inherited from his father. Civil War U.S. minister to Russia. Also appointed major general by Lincoln.Influential in negotiations to purchase Alaska.
An Influential Family. --Brock-Perry
Civil War,
Clay Green,
Friday, October 26, 2018
Green Clay of Kentucky: First-Born Daughter, Husband and Grandchild
From Find-A-Grave.
Green Clay's first-born was ELIZABETH LEWIS CLAY SMITH who married John Speed Smith, another important person in Kentucky history. (1798-1887)
JOHN SPEED SMITH:-- U.S. Congressman, lawyer. (1792-1854) During the War of 1812 he enlisted in the U.S. Army and became a colonel. Served as aide-de-camp for General William Henry Harrison, later U.S. president.
During the rest of his career he, at various times was a Kentucky State House of Representatives member, Kentucky senate and U.S. Congress. Also U.S. District Attorney for Kentucky.
GREEN CLAY SMITH-- Son of Elizabeth and John Speed Smith. (1826-1895) Union brigadier general and U.S. Congressman from Kentucky. Lieutenant in Mexican War.
In Civil War, colonel of 4th Kentucky Cavalry. Promoted to brigadier general July 1862. Resigned March 1863 and elected to U.S. Congress. Later served as governor of Montana Territory.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Green Clay of Kentucky: Another Brother and Two Sisters
MATTHEW CLAY brother. U.S. Congressman. American Revolution soldier in Ninth Virginia Regiment and later the First and Fifth. First Lieutenant, Captain and Quartermaster. U.S. Congressman from Virginia.
His sister ELIZABETH MARVEL CLAY MURRAY married Alexander Murray who fought on the British side as a Loyalist during the Revolution as a member of the Queen's Rangers. He died in 1789 and was buried in Halifax, Canada.
Another sister LUCY GREEN CLAY THAXTON married William Thaxton who was a private in the Virginia Line during the American Revolution.
Definitely A Family Tied to the American Revolution. --Brock-Perry
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Green Clay of Kentucky: His Brothers Henry and Thomas
From Find-A-Grave.
Born 14 August 1757 Powhatan County, Virginia. Died 31 October 1828 (aged 71) Madison County, Kentucky.
Buried White Hall Family Cemetery in Richmond (Madison County) Kentucky.
I have not been able to find any more information about this cemetery.
One of Green Clay's brothers was HENRY CLAY, who was a private in the American Revolution and killed at Trenton 20 December 1776.
Another brother was THOMAS CLAY, a captain in the Continental Army in the American Revolution. He received a land warrant of 4,000 acres for his three year's service and moved to Kentucky with Green Clay and was on the state constitutional conventions, and member of both the Kentucky House of Representatives and Senate.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Brig. Gen. Green Clay-- Part 3: Defender of Fort Meigs, Wealthiest Man in Kentucky
When the British gave up their siege of Fort Meigs, Clay was left in command of the fort. He was still commanding when the British returned in July 1813. Tecumseh was again with them.
In an attempt to lure Green Clay and his troops out of Fort Meigs, the Indians staged a mock battle, appearing to ambush a column of American reinforcements.
Clay was not fooled as he knew no reinforcements were coming. He was able to hold out in Fort Meigs until the British again gave up their siege and retreated.
After the war, Clay returned to his plantation where he spent the rest of his life directing his slaves in cultivating tobacco and hemp.
He is thought to have been the wealthiest man in Kentucky at this time. He died at his home in 1828 at the age of 73 and was buried with Masonic Rites at White Hall Family Cemetery in Richmond, Kentucky.
Clay County, Kentucky, is named for him.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Brig. Gen. Green Clay of Kentucky-- Part 2: Commanded Kentucky Militia
Green Clay developed and owned several distilleries and a tavern in central Kentucky near Lexington. He also owned several ferries across the Kentucky River.
In 1789, he was elected as Kentucky representative to the Virginia House of Delegates (Kentucky at the time was still a territory of Virginia). Later he was elected representative and senator to the Kentucky General Assembly.
During the War of 1812, he was commissioned as a general in the Kentucky militia. In the spring of 1813, he was ordered to the aid of General William Henry Harrison who was besieged at Fort Meigs, Ohio. Clay fought his way into the fort, but many of his men were taken prisoner by Tecumseh after capturing a battery of British artillery.
Brig. Gen. Green Clay of Kentucky-- Part 1: American Revolution and War of 1812
His name was mentioned in connection with Fort Meigs in Ohio at the 1873 Reunion.
From Wikipedia.
August 14, 1757 to October 31, 1828.
Was an American businessman, planter and politician from Kentucky. He served in the American Revolution and was commissioned a general in the Kentucky militia in the War of 1812. At one time he was believed to be the wealthiest man in the state, owning tens of thousands of acres of land, many slaves, several distilleries, a tavern and ferries.
He was born in Virginia and served in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Afterwards he joined the westward migration into Kentucky where he became a surveyor. He used this to acquire land.
He was a cousin of U.S. Congressman and statesman Henry Clay and Alabama governor Clement Comer Clay.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
No Photograph This Time
A photograph was taken of the 1871 reunion of War of 1812 / River Raisin veterans, but none in 1872. Too bad.
Here's what the source I have been using most of the month had to say about it:
"Preparations had been made for taking in groups the veterans and prisoners, and they were assembled on the porticoes of the seminary for that purpose. But the daguerrean artist failed to meet his appointment promptly, and their patience being exhausted they dispersed; hence the failure to secure pictures."
Bet the Photographer Wasn't Hired in the Future. --Brock-Perry
Another Feast and a Fireworks Problem
The Monroe Knights Templar also put on a huge banquet for the veterans and attendees. "Their tables were spread with every luxury, and their guests were feasted, toasted and made merry to an entirely satisfactory degree.
"A quantity of fireworks were provided, to be sent off in the grove in the evening, but owing to an untoward accident the most and best of them were destroyed. In sending off a revolving rocket, it discharged directly into the box containing the best pieces, and these were prematurely discharged and destroyed.
"It was great wonder that the accident did not result in serious damage to those who were engaged in sending off the fireworks, but luckily."
A Close Call. --Brock-Perry
"A quantity of fireworks were provided, to be sent off in the grove in the evening, but owing to an untoward accident the most and best of them were destroyed. In sending off a revolving rocket, it discharged directly into the box containing the best pieces, and these were prematurely discharged and destroyed.
"It was great wonder that the accident did not result in serious damage to those who were engaged in sending off the fireworks, but luckily."
A Close Call. --Brock-Perry
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Toasting the War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 5: Sackett's Harbor, Liberty and Foreign=Born Citizens
14. "Sackett's Harbor" One of the turning points of 1812. --Response by General Joseph W. Brown, of Detroit.
15. "Civil and Religious Liberty" --Response by Dr. Curtis, of Cincinnati.
16. "Our Foreign-Born Citizens" --Response by ex-Mayor Kraus, of Toledo.
Hopefully they were just taking a sip instead of a gulp during these.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Toasting the War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 4:The Press, the Army and The Knights Templar
11. "The American Press" Independent, enterprising and intelligent, it distributes knowledge and the spirit of freedom throughout the length and breath of the land, affording the best evidence and guarantee of her institutions. --Response by C. Waggoner, of the Toledo Commercial.
12. "Our Regular Army" Though small in number yet imminent in services, gallant in spirit, the educated intelligence that guides and instructs the patriotic zeal of a nation in its defense. --Response by General Custer.
13. "The Sir Knight of the Order of the Knights Templar" The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. --Response by Dr. A.I. Sawyer, of Monroe.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Toasting the War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 3: Michigan, Detroit and Our Country
Of course, the tables were "liberally supplied with pure native wines" after the banquet, so these toasts went on for awhile.
8. "Michigan" --No less eminent for her commerce, agricultural and mineral resources than for her intelligent and liberal system of education and public charities. Response by Governor Baldwin of Detroit.
9. "Detroit" --The oldest city in the Northwest; an honor to the State for her intelligence and sterling worth and her connection with pioneer history of the lakes, especially the River Raisin. Response by Hon. Levi Bishop, who read his poem entitles "Battle of the River Raisin."
10. "No North, no South, no Atlantic, no Pacific nor Western States, But our country, our whole country and nothing but our country; would that she were ever right; but right or wrong, our country, scared, tangible and unprofaned forever." --Response by Chief Justice Campbell, of the Supreme Court of Michigan.
Covering It All. --Brock-Perry
Monday, October 15, 2018
Toasting the War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 2: To River Raisin, Kentucky and Ohio
5."The Brave Men Who Perished In The Massacre at the River Raisin in 1813" They still live in our hearts. Let us erect a monument to their memory, that they may live in the hearts of our children's children. They made the city of Monroe memorable in history by their devotion to their country. --Response by Hon. C.C. Trowbridge of Detroit.
6. "Old Kentucky" Once the dark and bloody battle ground, whose heroes fell alike at Tippecanoe, the River Raisin, Fort Meigs, the Thames and at New Orleans; always the same and good and brave . Kentucky. --Response by Hon. W.P. Thomason of Kentucky.
7. "Ohio" The eldest of the galaxy of the Northwest; bright as ever; may her luster never die. --Response by Mayor Jones of Toledo.
There are two monuments to the battle and massacre.
Toasting the War of 1812 Veterans-- Part 1: To Washington, 1776 and Veterans
After all the speeches, most very flowery and after the huge banquet, the wine was passed around at the 1872 War of 1812 Reunion in Monroe, Michigan, and toasts were made.
Every toast also featured a response.
1. "The Day We Celebrate" --Response by J.J. Adams of Lenawee,
2. "Washington" -- The world honors the man who conquered his own ambition to give freedom to the continent. --Response by Judge Patchin of Detroit.
3. The Statesmen and Heroes of 1776" The founders of a system of government that makes ours a powerful continental Republic for the good of the world, if in our political advice we imitate their integrity. --Response by B.G. Morton of Monroe.
4. "The Veterans of 1812" Their march to victory was not by Pullman palace cars, but through the dense forests, dragging their cannons with weary marches; yet they conquered at Tippecanoe, Fort Meigs, and the Thames, and said to the world at Lake Erie, "We have met the enemy and they are ours." --Response by General Leslie Combs, of Kentucky.
And, They Aren't Through Yet With the Toasts. --Brock-Perry
1872 Reunion-- Part 19: Banquet and Toasts
After the orations were given and "The Star-Spangled Banner" was sun "The veterans and the guests were escorted to the tables, which were bountifully loaded with all the substantials and delicacies which heart could wish, provided by the ladies of this city, and guests were waited upon with every attention by the young ladies, until the wants of the inner man were fully supplied.
After the substantials of the feast had been partaken of by about 1,500 people, the tables were liberally supplied with pure native wines of Monroe manufacture, supplied by the Point de Pean Wine Co., and the regular toasts were offered and responded as follows: ...."
Next Post. --Brock-Perry
Saturday, October 13, 2018
1872 Reunion-- Part 18: Still Honoring the River Raisin Dead
The mayor continued talking to the men of Kentucky:
"Beside you are the noble band of pioneers whose strong will and sturdy hands have caused this wilderness to blossom into such rich profusion, and they from their hearts do welcome you. And so as they and all of us in our daily round of life-cares, duties and memories, think of the past and and of you we remember that the battle cry of Kentucky and Ohio, under Green Clay at Fort Meigs, the gallant Croghan at Sanduskey. Harrison at the Thames, Jackson at New Orleans and in every field was Remember the River Raisin.
"We, of Monroe, all honor to him whose patriotic heart and liberal hand gave impulse, have caught up the slogan of your youth and day: we will remember the River Raisin and have resolved in your presence, over the graves of fallen braves, to pledge that veneration for your toils and sacrifices still lives with us, that gratitude to you and all the fathers of the Republic is as strong, quick and deep a sentiment with us as with our fathers.
"And so remembering the River Raisin, and you and your dead in our care and keeping, we will build a monument."
Quite the Flowery Speech. --Brock-Perry
Friday, October 12, 2018
1872 Reunion-- Part 17: Welcome Kentuckians!!
"Welcome to you of Kentucky, who in our day and youth, baptized as the 'dark and bloody ground,' from savage cruelty.... Welcome and thank God that you are permitted to pass over the river of the Ohio no longer a vexed and fettered boundary of the institutions social, domestic, or municipal antagonistic to Christianity, and that where you encountered in your early march the wild forest and still wilder savage, flourishing towns and cities and fruitful fields delight to meet and welcome you.
"The lonely line of the Hull Road is to-day a great highway of travel and one succession of fertile farms. The seat of Winchester's camp is there before you; behold its spires, its towers, its broad fields and busy life.All around you in earnest devotion behold its generous people."
The mayor was talking about slavery, Indians and Winchester's camp was Monroe, Michigan.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
1872 Reunion-- Part 16: "Those 300 Victims of Slaughter
The mayor continued:
"And this celebration and this welcome and these facts are due to the memory of those brave men who fought, and to the memory of their brave comrades who left their bones on the Miami, Raisin and the Thames [rivers].
"From these graves and fields and from the graves of those 300 victims of the slaughter come a sad and solemn welcome to those old companions and comrades."
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
1872 Reunion-- Part 15: The Mayor Welcomes the Assemblage
Monroe's Mayor Redfield gave a welcoming speech:
"The uncompleted history of that scene and of those days welcomes you to this place and demands its vindication through you today in this, that the war was carried on and the Federal Government supported by volunteers alone, from June 1812, to October 1814; and that in all that time the only assistance we had upon this frontier was from Ohio, Kentucky and other Southern States, while Northern and Eastern states held back from the contest, even until after this and the New York frontier had been desolated and laid waste, and the capital of the Nation was sacked and burned."
A real shot at the northern and eastern states.
He received a lot of applause and cheering after these words.
1872 Reunion Attendees-- Part 14: Hayes to Jameson
These were added on at the end of the list and out of order.
Hayes, D.S., 72
Helwig, Daniel, 82
Hixson,W.D., 91
Holly, Jesse, 72
Hudnut, B.P., 78
Ivor, Charles, 72
Jacobs, Louis, 97
Jameson, John, 70
Monday, October 8, 2018
1872 Reunion Attendees-- Part 13: Whelpley to Younglove
Whelpley, Thos., 97
Williams, Elisha, 86
Williams, Sam, L., 91
Younglove, Geo., 79
Younglove, Jas., 74
Saturday, October 6, 2018
1872 Reunion Attendees-- Part 12: Shearer to Webster
Shearer, Jona., 70
Suane, Lewis, 89
Talbot, Oliver, 79
Thomasson, J.P., 74
Van Aiken, Simon, 82
Vance, Joseph, 84
Vanderwalker, Jas., 82
Van Pelt, David, 91
Verkies, Joseph, 82
Walters, W., 78
Warren, Edward, 79
Webster, Larkon, 80
1872 Reunion Attendees-- Part 11: Penwick to Shapine
Penwick, James, 78
Postwood, John, 84
Puller, B.J., 81
Quinsberry, Roger, 79
Reid, J.C., 75
Ressenet, R.C., 79
Rogers, J.R., 80
Root, John, 78
Rowell, O., 77
Santour, Francis, 76
Shafer, William, 89
Shapine, George, 84
1872 Reunion Attendees-- Part 10: Mevay to Pendleton
Mevay, Solomon, 70
Martin, John, 75
Mason, Henry, 80
Mount, Thos., 78
Moyer, N., 77
Mulhollen, John, 75
Nadeau, J.B., 77
Navarre, Alex, 82
Nedmore, Perry, 82
Parker, J.C., 77
Pasko, A.A., 78
Pendleton, Edward, 84
Friday, October 5, 2018
1872 Reunion Attendees-- Part 9: Jones to McLean
Jones, Thomas, 80
Kitk, James, 83
Kolfuus, J.W., 77
Laforge, John B., 76
Lewis, Shubool, 70
Lindsley, Thos, 83
Locke, W.R., 79
Love, James Y., 74
McChesney, David, 79
McDowell, J.C., 78
McGoodwin, J.C., 80
McLean, John B., 77
Thursday, October 4, 2018
1872 Reunion-- Part 8: Attendees: Gebhart to Johnson
The war had been over for 58 or 59 years, depending upon if you mark its end with the Treaty of Ghent or after the Battle of New Orleans or later actions in 1815.
These are War of 1812 veterans attending the 1872 reunion in Monroe, Michigan and their ages in 1872.
Gebhart, John, 78
Gibson, Matthew, 83
Gofttney, Robert S., 82
Goodright, Michael, 78
Goodwin, J.K., 80
Grant, L.V., 77
Guyor, Joseph, 85
Hall, C., 77
Hall, Joseph, 88
Hamilton, William, 80
Harvey, James, 80
Johnson, Moore, 77
1872 Reunion-- Part 7: Attendees Davis to Garnarke
Davis, W.B., 81
Deland Hall, 71
Dowese, Samuel, 80
Drayor, W.L., 82
Duncan, Jere., 80
Eddlerman, Aaron, 81
Ewalt, Joseph,81
Foulke, Joseph, 83
French, Brown, 83
Fultzan, Isaac C., 74
Gaither, Henry, 82
Garnarke, Simeon, 82
1872 Reunion-- Part 6: More Attendees Burns to Davis
Burns, Andrew, 77
Carrick, Eobert, 77
Clapper, John, 77
Clusin, Jas., 85
Conseign, A.O., 82
Combs, Leslie, 78
Correy, Jas., 75
Craddock, J.G., 84
Crawford, Alex, 81
Crawford, A.B., 82
Curtis, Alva, 71
Curtis, Dr., 78
Davis, Henry, 82
Davis, H.M., 79
Davis, Thos. A., 83
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
1872 Reunion--Part 5: War of 1812 Veterans Attending, Armstrong to Bortine
Veteran and Age:
Armstrong, Jas. R., 85
Armstrong, S.J., 84
Ball, Lewis, 79
Barrett, Jos. C., 78
Baute, Peter, 81
Beat, Leonard, 95
Beach, Lewis, 79
Benson, B.W., 75
Beseau, Jphn B., 81
Bisnett, Joseph, 79
Bittinger, Henry, 78
Blnchard, S., 77
Bolivar, Thos., 76
Boroff, Fred, 101
Bortine, Benson L., 79
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
1872 War of 1812 Reunion-- Part 4: A Shower of Bouquets Fell Everywhere
As the procession reached the Monroe street cemetery, where the Kentuckians who fell at the battle of the River Raisin are buried, it halted, the bands played a dirge, the flags were drooped, the military came to "shoulder arms," the Knights Templar made the "salute" of their order, and the veterans and civilians generally uncovered.
The grandstand was erected with the timbers, planks and boards from the recent residence of Dr. A.I. Sawyer, which was the building that General Winchester had his headquarters at the time of the celebrated battle and massacre of the Raisin, January 1813.
The Hon. Warner Wing, President of the Day, opened the ceremonies with a welcome.
General Custer called the roll of veterans and each rose from his sear as his name was called When the name of Frederick Boroff was called, who resided in Bedford, Monroe County, and his age announced, (101 years and 6 months) calls were made from all parts of the crowd that he should show himself; and as the old veteran, comparatively smart, climbed upon his seat, three hearty cheers were given him, and a shower of bouquets began to fall around and among the veterans, and on the speakers platform, from the ladies of the orchestra, until it seemed that the veteran soldiers were fairly covered in flowers.
1872 War of 1812 Reunion-- Part 3: A Fine Proceeding
This took place in Monroe, Michigan.
The weather July 4, 1872 was perfect for the proceedings. There was a 38-gun salute at sunrise and a gun fired every five minutes during the procession.
A large stand with sears had been erected, suitable to hold 1000 persons.
Arches had been made. One read: "Welcome Brave Defenders" and another "Welcome, Veterans." All streets along the precession were also heavily decorated. National flags were everywhere.
Trains from the north (Detroit" brought dignitaries including the National Guards of Detroit and the state governor.
The procession began after 11:00 a.m..
Monday, October 1, 2018
1872 River Raisin Reunion-- Part 2: 121 War of 1812 Veterans Attended
The 1871 reunion of the River Raisin survivors went so well, it was determined to have one on July 4, 1872. On July 4, 1872, 121 survivors of Harrison's Army, serving at Fort Meigs and elsewhere responded in person to the invitation to come to Monroe, Michigan.
A grand review of the survivors of the War of 1812 was planned. A large crows was expected. A large delegation of Tennessee and Ohio survivors, 75 in number, arrived July 3.
They were accompanied by general George A. Armstrong, one of the Committee of Invitation and they first went to Toledo.
They were met at the station by the Monroe Band
Among them was General Leslie Coombs of Kentucky, 78, General Samuel Williams of Kentucky who played a huge role in the War of 1812, age 91, and Henry Gaither, of Cincinnati, age 82.
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