Battle of New Orleans.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Battery Hobart-- Part 4: A 6-Inch Armstrong Gun
Battery Hobart, names after the War of 1812 casualty Henry A Hobart, was part of the harbor defense for Portland, Maine.
It was originally built as an Endicott Period concrete coastal gun battery mounting a single 6-inch M1898 Armstrong gun (40 caliber) mounted on a M1898 Pedestal carriage.
This was a two story battery with the gun mounted on the upper story and the magazine below. Shells were moved from the lower story magazine to the gun loading platform by hand. No shell or powder hoist was provided.
Electrical power was furnished by the central power plant.
The gun and carriage were removed to Fort Kamehameha in Honolulu, Hawaii, on 23 August 1913.
Fort Wiki Historic U.S. and Canadian Forts has pictures and diagrams of it.
Fort Fisher had a 150-pdr. Armstrong gun during the Civil War (now at West Point).
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Battery Hobart-- Part 3: An Endicott Period Fortification
From Fort Wiki.
Battery Hobart (1900-1913). Battery Hobart was a concrete reinforced, Endicott Period 6 inch coastal gun battery on Fort Williams, Cumberland County, Maine. It was named in G.O.78, 25 May 1903, after 1st Lt. Henry A. Hobart (the 56th cadet to graduate West Point, U.S. Light Artillery, who was killed 27 May 1813, at Fort George, Upper Canada.
Battery construction started in 1898, was completed in 1898 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 6 January 1900 at a cost of $6,545.33.
Deactivated in 1913.
More. --Brock-Perry
Monday, January 28, 2019
Battery Hobart-- Part 2: Gun Sent to Pearl Harbor
Battery Hobart was no longer needed after the construction of Battery Keyes in 1905 which mounted more modern American-made guns.
When the U.S. Army afterwards determined that the defenses in the Pacific Ocean needed more guns, Battery Hobart's gun was removed in the summer of 1913 and sent to protect the Navy and Army facilities at Pearl Harbor during World War I.
The battery's magazine continued to be used for the storage of ordnance supplies for Fort Williams until 1929.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Battery Hobart-- Part 1: Fort Williams, Maine
In the last post I mentioned that I couldn't find anything else on Henry A. Hobart, but came across this on a battery named for him in Maine.
From the Maine Attraction.
Visited the battery and took a picture of it. Located in Fort Williams, Maine.
Battery Hobart was built in 1898 and named after Lt. Henry A. Hobart, one of Maine's first graduates of the U.S. Military Academy, who was killed in action during the War of 1812. The battery mounted one six-inch Armstrong gun whose function was to help protect the mine field laid in the main channel in time of war from hostile minesweepers.
Battery Hobart was manned during the Spanish-American War.
I was unable to find a photo of what the gun looked like at Battery Hobart, but the Fort De Soto Park Six-inch Armstrongs has a picture.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Henry A. Hobart, USMA Class 1811, Killed At Capture of Fort George in 1813
From For What They Gave On Saturday Afternoon.
Born Maine. Appointed from Maine.
Cadet of the Military Academy, Jan. 20, 1808, to March 1, 1811, when he was graduated and promoted to Second Lieut. , Light Artillery, March 1, 1811.
Served: In garrison at Atlantic ports, 1811-1812; and in War (First Lieut., Light Artillery, Aug. 15, 1811) of 1812-1815 with Great Britain, being engaged in the capture of York (now Toronto), Upper Canada, April 23, 1813, and capture of Fort George, Upper Canada May 27, 1813, where he was killed while valiantly leading his company to attack.
Age 22.
I am unable to find out anything else on him.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Small World: Henry Burchstead, Tulsa and Route 66
Yesterday I wrote about the possibility that Lt. Henry A. Burchstead died at the Battle of Autossee in 1813 in Alabama. This took place by the Creek Indian towns of Autosee and Tallasee.
Early this morning, I was looking at the Oklahoma Route 66 Organization's 2011-2012 Trip Guide and was at Tulsa and I read an interesting thing.
Tulsa began as a Creek Indian settlement. The name was taken from an old Creek settlement in Alabama named Tallasee. The one in what is today Oklahoma, which was Indian Territory back then and where the Creeks were forcibly moved was called Tulsey-Town, a political subdivision of the Creek nation.
Hence the name Tulsa.
And, since I'm much into Route 66 as well, Tulsa is a major city on that fabled highway.
Like I Said, Small World. --Brock-Perry
Monday, January 21, 2019
Henry A. Burchstead May Have Died At the Battle of Autossee
From Wikipedia.
I am unable to find out any more about this man. But, noting when he died, on November 30, 1813, this was just one day after the Battle of Autossee during the Creek War. It took place by the Creek towns of Autossee and Tallasee near present-day Shorter, Alabama.
General John G. Floyd and 900 to 950 militia men and 450 allied Creeks attacked the villages and killed 200 Red Stick Creeks.
American casualties were 6-11 killed during the battle and 5 wounded. Another 5 were killed in the ambush after the battle.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Henry A Burchstead, Class of 1811, Killed in Creek Campaign
From "For What They Gave On Saturday Afternoon."
Born New York. Appointed USMA from New York.
Cadet of Military Academy, Feb. 16, 1809, to Mar. 1, 1811, when he graduated and was promoted to the Army as Ensign, 2nd Infantry, Mar. 1, 1811.
Served: on the Northwestern Frontier, 1811; in General Harrison's (2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Infantry, March 13, 1811) Campaign of 1811 in Indiana Territory, being engaged in the Battle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 7, 1811, where he was wounded; on frontier duty in the Gulf States, 1811-1812; and in the War of 1812-1815 with Great Britain, (First Lieutenant, 2nd Infantry, May 5, 1813) being engaged in the Campaign of 1813 against the Creek Indians, in which he was killed, November 30, 1813, on the Alabama River.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
1st Lt. Vincent Marie Boisaubin-- Part 2: Gravestone Etched in French
Two graveyards on the American side of the Niagara River have some interesting grave markers.
In the military graveyard at Fort Niagara which has an eventful history, having at times been in the hands of the French, British, Indians and Americans there is a singular trace of the American occupation if Fort George in 1813.
A young Frenchman, perhaps a son of those of that nationality helped the 13 Colonies to gain their independence is buried there. His gravestone is written entirely in French.
Translation: Here lies Boisaubin Marie Vincent, Lieutenant and Adjutant in the light artillery regiment of US, who died at Fort George August 13, 1813, at age 22 years, faithful friend, tender and sincere son..."
I haven't been able to find any further information on him.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
1st Lt. Vincent Marie Boisaubin-- Part 1: Graduated West Point Class of 1811
From Find-A-Grave.
Born 1791 in Guadalupe. Died 10 August 1813 Niagara-On-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada.
Burial Old Fort Niagara Cemetery, Niagara Falls, New York.
From Heitman's Register and Dictionary of the U.S. Army:
Boisaubin, Marie V. Mo. NJ, Cadet Military Academy 14 April 1809, two years. . 1st Lt. Light Artillery 1 March 1811.
Died 10 August 1813.
From U.S. School Catalogs 1811:
Marie V. Boisaubin. Died August 10, 1813, at Fort George, Upper Canada.
Monday, January 14, 2019
West Point Class of 1811: Five Died in the War of 1812
From the Civil War in the East site.
Four other members of the West Point Class of 1811 besides George Ronan were killed during the War of 1812.
Marie V. Boisaubin First Lt. Died in 1813 in the capture of Fort George, Upper Canada.
Henry Burchstead First Lt. Killed 1813 in Alabama in Creek Indian campaign.
Henry A. Hobart First Lt. Killed 1813, Capture of Fort George, Upper Canada.
Alexander J. Williams Captain Killed 1814 in defense of Fort Erie, Upper Canada
George Ronan Ensign Killed 1812 in Fort Dearborn massacre. First West Point graduate to be killed in action.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
West Point Class of 1811 Members Who Served in the Civil War
From the Civil War in the East site.
Hard to believe, but two members of George Ronan's West Point Class of 1811 were still serving in the U.S. Army at the time of the Civil War.
They were John James Abert who headed the Corps of Topographical Engineers for 32 years and Gustavus Loomis who is considered the oldest soldier to serve in the Civil War.
I will definitely be writing about these two men in my Saw the Elephant: Civil War blog.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
War of 1812 Naval Officers in My Cooter's History Thing Blog:
The last two days, I have written about three naval officers from the War of 1812 who got their experience in the First Barbary War. They are Thomas Macdonough, Charles Morris and James Lawrence.
Check it out by clicking on the Cooter's History Thing blog in the My Blogs section to the right of this.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
George Ronan-- Part 15: "At Least He Dies Like A Soldier"
Evidently, there was another soldier with the Americans who was afraid to die and the author of "The Chicago Massacre of 1812" related this story.
"Oh, I cannot die!" exclaimed he. "O am not fit to die -- if I had but a short time to prepare -- death is awful."
I pointed to Ensign Ronan, who, though mortally wounded and nearly down, was still fighting with desperation on one knee.
"Look at this man," said I; "at least he dies like a soldier."
Monday, January 7, 2019
George Ronan-- Part 14: Perhaps This Clarifies What Ronan Said To His Commanding Officer
From the Together We Served site. All of these entries of late have been coming from this site
From the book "The Chicago Massacre."
I well remember a remark made by Ensign Ronan as the attack began, he turned to me and said: "Such is to be our fate -- to be shot down like Beasts.
The commanding officer, Captain Nathan Heald overheard him say this and said, "Well, sir, are you afraid?"
"No," replied the high-spirited young man, "I can march up to the enemy where you dare not show your face!"
And, his subsequent brave behavior showed this to be no idle boast.
So, That Must Have Been The Insult. --Brock-Perry
George Ronan-- Part 13: Chicago's Ronan Park
The park district soon signed a lease for 7.5 acres of water district land, and by the mid-1960s, playgrounds and green spaces lined both shores of the North Shore Channel. In the 1990s the park district began leasing additional water district land, bringing the park's total acreage to nearly 13 acres.
The entire park was rehabilitated and a bike path added as a larger plan to create a recreational corridor along the river.
The park is located at 3000 Argyle Street in Chicago, Illinois.
Friday, January 4, 2019
George Ronan-- Part 12: Ronan Park in Chicago
Ronan Park, part of the Chicago Park District, honors the life of the young Ensign Ronan, who died in the Fort Dearborn Massacre on August 12, 1812.
In 1929, the City of Chicago built a new pumping station east of the channelized North Branch of the the Chicago River to meet the increasing need for water in the neighboring Lincoln Square and Albany Park neighborhoods. Just over thirty years later, the Metropolitan Water reclamation District and the Chicago Park District began working together to create recreational space adjoining the pumping station.
This became Ronan Park.
Thursday, January 3, 2019
George Ronan-- Part 11: Died A Hero, First West Pointer Killed in the War
The massacre happened on August 12, 1812, and a very interesting fact is coming out about that bloody day and that is the connection between West Point and Chicago.
"Ensign George Ronan, a West Point graduate of 1811, was killed here in 1812 according to West Point records. he's the first West Pointer killed in action," says Victorio Giustino.
And survivors of the battle say he died a hero. He was fatally wounded but fought on trying to protect the others.
There is a small patch of land set aside to honor George Ronan.
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
The Eighth Year of This Blog
I started this blog in 2012 to mark the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. I figured on keeping it going until 2015 to mark the 200th anniversary of the end of the war. As you can see, it didn't stop then.
I knew more about the war than most Americans, but I have learned a whole lot about the war. For instance, from today's earlier post, I didn't know the first star in Chicago's flag represented the Fort Dearborn Massacre. Now I know.
Anyway, today's posts mark the beginning of the blog's eighth year and this is the 2897th post.
George Ronan-- Part 10: The First Star On the Chicago Flag Represents the Tragedy
According to Chicago historian Victorio Giustino:
"This is where it took place, August 15, 1812, when the troops leaving Fort Dearborn were attacked by the Indians.
"There is little left now of that terrible day during the War of 1812. A painting hangs in City Hall in the council chambers, and gives us some idea of what happened. On the Chicago flag, the first star represents the tragedy. And at Michigan Avenue and Wacker, the site of Fort Dearborn is clearly outlined.
"And a giant sculpture does a very distant replay of the hand-to-hand combat."
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