Battle of New Orleans.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Tigress Found in 1932-- Part 2: Some Mistakes in News Story
"The TIGRESS is split fore and aft about four feet below the deck, probably as a result of ice action. The keel and stern post, deck rail and bulwarks are intact, although the greater part of the deck has fallen in.
"The ship, now battered, was a trim vessel when she was built at Fort Erie and sailed into the 1812-1814 Campaign against the British alongside the SCORPION, flagship of Admiral Perry (OK, two mistakes here). An American victory at Put-In-Bay and the capture by the SCORPION of the British warship CHIPPEWA elated the United States forces and they proceeded to attack the naval base at Penetang.
"Here their success was cut short, however, and the TIGRESS and the SCORPION were sent to the bottom. (Again, this does not gel with what I have found.)
"Now they are to be raised and maintained as historical relics."
I think both ships are still underwater.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Tigress Found in 1932-- Part 1: Wreck in Good Shape
Continuing with John Lisle's account on Stephen Champlin which is much more information than I could find anywhere else.
Article in the July 10, 1932, New York Herald Tribune "USS Tigress, Sunk in 1812 found intact in refloating test."
"Midland, Ontario: From the mud-smothered bed where she has lain for 119 years, the TIGRESS, American war vessel sunk in Penetang Bay can be raised without great difficulty, Captain Robert Carson reports.
"Captain Carson, in his survey of the point where the TIGRESS and her sister ship, the SCORPION, are lodged at the bottom of the bay, recovered several relics, including pokes two feet long, scuppers and iron bars. Barnacles as big as hen's eggs encrusted the iron, which had been softened by the soaking. A chain, believed to have been used for securing cannon, also was brought to the surface."
Monday, July 29, 2019
A Congressional Sword to Stephen Champlin
All of these posts are coming from John Lisle in the us/geneaology post about Stephen Champlin.
After the War of 1812, the U.S. Congress presented Stephen Champlin with a sword for his valued service.
"Captain Stephen Champlin, a cousin of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. Captain Champlin was commander of the Scorpion and Acting Sailing Master of the Fleet during the Battle of Lake Erie."
"The grip and guard of this sword are of gold and tooled by a master craftsman. On the single edged blade, on a part of which is etched a scene of the battle, is the inscription 'Stephen Champlin, Actg. Sailing Master, Lake Erie, 10th September 1813.'
"On the other side of the blade is the Latin text which translated reads: 'He who aims highest, rises highest.' The scabbard is of black leather with ornamented fittings."
A Sword for a Hero. --Brock-Perry
Friday, July 26, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 20: Capture of the Scorpion
Just after dark, the now-captured Tigress anchored about two miles from the Scorpion. Shortly before sun rise the next day the Tigress raised anchor and moved toward the Scorpion. When they got within ten yards, the disguised British opened fire with their muskets then swarmed aboard the Scorpion.
The battle only lasted a few minutes. Champlin was severely wounded by a canister shot through the thigh which shattered the bone, crippling him for life.
He was taken prisoner and held at Mackinac for 38 days before being paroled and being sent first to Erie and later back to Connecticut to die which didn't happen until 1870.
The captured American vessels were renamed. The Scorpion became the Confidence (do not get it confused with the HMS Confiance which I have seen happen) and the Tigress became the Surprise (which it sure did to the Scorpion). They remained in British service until 1817 when the Rush-Bagot Treaty was signed banning armed warships on the Great Lakes.
The two ships were then scuttled in Pentantaguishene Harbor.
Like I said, Sneaky British. --Brock-Perry
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 19: Capture of the Tigress and Scorpion
In the spring of 1814, Stephen Champlin, now in command of the Tigress (along with Captain Turner who now commanded the Scorpion) blockade Port Mackinac. Their two vessels cruised Lake Huron for several months and cut off supplies to the British garrison.
Both ships were captured on the night of September 3, 1814, near Midland, Ontario, by a combined force of one hundred British and three hundred Indians who first approached the Tigress by canoe under the cover of darkness. By the time they were spotted by the crew of the Tigress it was too late.
The British then sailed toward the Scorpion with the American flag still flying and the British dressed in American uniforms.
Sneaky British. --Brock-Perry
Stephen Champlin-- Part 18: A Letter From Champlin
On January 14, 1814, Champlin wrote a letter to Captain Jesse D. Elliot, commander of the American fleet in Lake Erie.
"Put-In-Bay, January 14, 1814
"Sir: I have everything in complete order at this place. I have the guns mounted in the blockhouse. I have mounted on board the Queen Charlotte 19. I have mounted those 32 pounders and 24 pounders that were left on board the Detroit. I can bring 12 guns to bear in any direction.
"The ice is constantly kept open. I think if they attack us they will meet with a pretty warm reception. The sailors are all well, the soldiers very sickly.
"We have provisions to last till the 1st of April. The beef is very bad.
"I have the honor to be
Your ob'dt Humble Servant
Stephen Champlin
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 17: A Put-In-Bay Winter
"After this, he was given many small jobs to perform until December 15th, at which time he was ordered by Elliot to return to Put-In-Bay and take charge of the captured vessels Detroit and Queen Charlotte.
"In addition to his own men, General Cass sent 200 men there from Detroit to assist.
"Champlin remained in the frozen bay aboard these ships for the duration of the winter, defending them against attack by looters or by the British, who in January 1814 would set fire to nearby Buffalo.
"In the spring of 1814, Champlin and Lt. Packet sailed the British vessels to Erie.
Stephen Champlin-- Part 16: Cleanup Operations
"The 'Scorpion' later was involved in transporting General (later, U.S. President) Harrison's Army from Portage River to the Middle Sister, from which they were taken by the fleet (including the Scorpion) to Malden and accompanying them up the Thames River.
After this, theses are John Lisle's words.
"During the winter of 1813-1814, Stephen was put in charge of the captured ships 'Queen Charlotte' and 'Detroit' at Put-In-Bay, Ohio
"His next cruise was on Lake St. Clair and the river Thames. He took the Scorpion 40 miles up the river to within 3 miles of where Colonel Johnson had defeated and slain Chief Tecumseh, and secured a vessel loaded with baggage of the British army and took it and the severely wounded Johnson back to Detroit.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Stephen Champlin and the Battle of Lake Erie-- Part 15: An American Victory
"Soon after Commodore Perry got on board of the Niagara, Captain Elliot left her to bring up the small vessels that were kept astern by the lightness of the wind. Commodore Perry now made signal for close action.
"The smaller vessels put out their sweeps (oars) and made every exertion to comply with with the order. At this time the Niagara bore up with a view to break the enemy's line, which threw them into confusion. In passing the enemy, she poured in her starboard and larboard broadsides within half a pistol shot, supported by the smaller vessels, which were at that time enabled, with the aid of their sweeps, to get up.
"The enemy soon struck, with the exception of the Little Belt and Chippewa, which were brought to by the Scorpion and Trippe -- the Little Belt by the former -- and so near were they to making their escape that it was 12 p.m. before I came to an anchor under the stern of the Niagara with the Little Belt in tow."
An American Victory. --Brock-Perry
Stephen Champlin and the Battle of Lake Erie-- Part 14: The USS Lawrence Put Out of Action
"She still, however, held out for more than two hours, within canister shot distance, the Niagara remaining a long way astern, siring at long shot from her 12 pounder. A short time before Commodore Perry's going aboard of her, she ranged ahead of the Lawrence, and to windward of her, thus bringing the commodore's ship between her and the enemy, when she might have passed to the leeward, and relieved the Lawrence from the destructive fire of the enemy;...
"the wind being at the time southeast, when, the American squadron steering large, with the exception of the Lawrence, she being entirely disabled, and lying like a log on the water, the Caledonia took and maintained her station on a line which was just astern of the commodore during the whole of the action."
What Was With the USS Niagara? --Brock-Perry
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Stephen Champlin and the Battle of Lake Erie-- Part 13: The Battle Begins
"About 12 o'clock the enemy commenced action by throwing a 24 pound shot at the Lawrence. At this time the Scorpion was hailed and directed to return the fire with her long guns. The second shot from the Detroit passed through both bulwarks of the Lawrence, and the fire was immediately returned, and kept up in a most gallant style, followed by the Caledonia, under command of Lieutenant Turner, and supported by the Ariel, Lieutenant Packet, and the Scorpion, ahead upon her weatherbow.
""The Queen Charlotte made sail and closed up with the Detroit, shortly after the action commenced, and directed her fire at the Lawrence. It seemed to be the enemy's plan to destroy the commodore's ship (the Lawrence), and then cut up the fleet in detail..
"For this purpose, their heaviest fire was directed at the Lawrence. Commodore Perry made every effort to close with the enemy, but the tremendous fire to which he was exposed cut away every brace and bowline, and soon rendered the Lawrence unmanageable."
Friday, July 19, 2019
Stephen Champlin and the Battle of Lake Erie-- Part 12: "Engage As You Come Up"
From John Lisle Commodore Stephen Champlin.
"On the 10th of September, while lying at anchor in Put-In-Bay, the enemy was discovered, at break of day, in the direction of Malden. The signal was made at once to get under weigh. At this time, the Niagara was in a situation to clear the islands before the Lawrence. There was a light breeze from the southwest, and it was with great difficulty that the Lawrence was enabled to clear the islands to windward.
"When the enemy perceived this, he hove to, in a line, with his ships' heads to the westward. The signal was now made by Commodore Perry: 'Engage as you come up, everyone against his opponent in the line before designated.' The order for our squadron to close was passed by trumpet through Captain Elliot.
"The situation of the Niagara should have been abreast of the Queen Charlotte, and of course, as close as she could get, as, previous to the action, I had always understood, from Commodore Perry, that it was his intention to bring the enemy to close action in case of conflict."
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 11: Going After the British
"We were now reinforced by the arrival of Captain Elliot with several officers and about ninety men most of whom he took on board the Niagara, which ship was manned by more experienced, and consequently much better sailors, than the Lawrence. The crew of the Lawrence was made up principally of ordinary seamen and volunteers, many of whom were on the sick list.
"On the 12th of August, we sailed for the head of the lake. On the arrival of the fleet at Sandusky, I was ordered by Commodore Perry to pass up between Sandusky and Put-In-Bay, as a lookout, and if the enemy hove in sight, to make a signal by hoisting an ensign.
"Soon after passing the point, I discovered a schooner lying at anchor in Put-In-Bay. I made the signal and gave chase, followed by the whole fleet. But darkness and a severe gale compelled us to come to an anchor, to prevent going ashore. The enemy's schooner was driven ashore by the gale."
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 10: The Fleet Underway, But No Battle
"To gain time in this emergency, Commodore Perry ordered the Ariel, Lieutenant Packet, and the Scorpion, commanded by myself, to get under weigh and stand out toward the enemy, and annoy them at long shot. We dashed directly at them. Upon seeing the boldness with which they were approached, they changed their course and stood toward Long Point.
"Late in the afternoon we were recalled. Every officer and man in the fleet was engaged all night in getting the fleet ready for action. At 3 a.m., the signal was made to get under weigh, and at daylight the whole squadron was in motion. Although, for three days, neither officers nor men had had any sleep, except such that could be snatched upon deck, the greatest anxiety was manifested to pursue the enemy.
"After a cruise of 24 hours off Long Point, without getting sight of the enemy, the fleet returned to Erie for the purpose of taking in supplies for the Army under General Harrison."
A Near Fight Early On. --Brock-Perry
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 9: Getting Over the Bar
"At daylight on the 1st of August, the Scorpion, under my command, with some of the other small vessels by lightering and warping were got over, The Niagara and one of the small vessels were then placed as near the bar as possible to protect the others while on it.
"A few guns were left upon the Lawrence, to enable her to make some defense in case of an attack. With all the exertion we could make, we were nearly two days in getting the Lawrence over, and had we then been attacked, the issue must have been most disastrous.
"Indeed, while she was still on the bar, we discovered the enemy standing in with a leading breeze, but by renewed and most unparalleled exertions, the Lawrence was got into deep water at 8 or 10 a.m. and at 12 m, her guns were aboard, and she was ready for action.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 8: His Account of Oliver Hazard Perry
In 1840, the Rhode Island Historical Society asked Champlin to write about Oliver Hazard Perry's building of his Lake Erie fleet and his victory at the Battle of Lake Erie. He replied that he could and based his recollections on a journal that he kept at the time.
"Persuant to orders, I arrived at Erie, Pennsylvania, the station of the United States fleet on Lake Erie, July 24, 1813, with a draft of 70 men and boys of the most ordinary kind and nearly all new hands. By the almost incredible exertions of the few officers and men upon that station, the vessels composing our little fleet were nearly ready for service.
"Upon my arrival with recruits, Commodore Perry commenced operations for crossing the bar upon which there was only four feet of water (*). The enemy's fleet at the same time, lay off the harbor, with the intention to cut off all supplies from our squadron.
"A small battery with two or three 12-pounders was therefore erected so as to command the entrance to the harbor as well as to command the entrance the entrance to the harbor as well as to give protection to the vessels that should first cross the bar."
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Movie Watching on the 4th of July-- Part 2: "Lincoln" and "Red Dawn"
2. "LINCOLN" (2012)One of best-known presidents who led the nation through one of its roughest stretched. Features his humanity as he strives to end the Civil War and slavery. And, of course, Fort Fisher played a big role in the movie. My Civil War fort.
3. "RED DAWN" (1984) Midwest high school kids fight back a Soviet Union invasion of the United States. If you can ignore some really sad acting and hokey lines. Patrick Swayze and the Wolverines. Lots of action and feeling good USA!!!
Continued in my Tattooed On Your Soul: World War II blog.
Movie Watching on the 4th of July-- Part 1: "The Godfather"
From the July 4, 2019, Chicago Tribune "Celebrate Independence Day with 13 all-American movies" by Rex Crum.
Well, if it's too hot or, in our case here in northern Illinois, too rainy you might just want to stay inside and watch some movies. And not just any movies.
And, if you're going to watch a movie this day, watch one that says "America."
In honor of those 13 colonies that this day took a big step to nationhood, here are 13 movies worth mention.
Loaded with classic lines like "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." States its first words of dialogue when undertaker Bonasera tells Don Vito Corleone, "I believe in America."
This movie, despite the gangland aspect, tells the American immigrant story
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 7: Fired First and Last Shots at Battle of Lake Erie
Champlin's force marched from Sackets Harbor that evening. At Schlosser, he chartered a two masted boat and went up the river by rowing with barge poles to Buffalo. There the group took on arms before continuing on to Oliver Hazard Perry at Erie, Pennsylvania, arriving there on July 24, 1813. This was a full ten days earlier than another group which had left Sackets Harbor two hours before Champlin.
On July 25, he was ordered to fit out and take command of the USS Scorpion.
As second in command to Perry at Erie, Champlin participated in expeditions against Fort George and Fort York (Toronto) aboard the USS Asp. Later in command of the two gun schooner USS Scorpion, Champlin led the attack on the British fleet at the Battle of Lake Erie on September 13, 1813.
He is credited with firing the first shot of the battle which effectively ended British control of the Great Lakes. And, in capturing the HMS Little Belt he also fired the last shots.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Master Rank in the U.S. Navy-- Part 2: So As Not To Get Confused
From Wikipedia.
Master, originally sailing master, was a historic warrant officer rank in the United States Navy, above that of a midshipman, after 1819, passed midshipman, after 1862 ensign, and below a lieutenant.
Some masters were appointed to command ships, with the rank of master commandant. In 1837, sailing master was renamed master, master commandant was renamed commander, and some masters were commissioned as officers, formally "master in line for promotion" to distinguish them from warrant masters who could not be promoted.
I will write more about this rank in my Running the Blockade: Civil War Navy blog later today.
So, That's What a Sailing Master's Rank Was. --Brock-Perry
What Is a Sailing Master? --Part 1: Now Lieutenant, Junior Grade in US Navy
From Wikipedia.
I have come across this term in both this blog and my Running the Blockade: Civil War Navy blog (often there with the name acting master) and knew this rank was some sort of an officer or commander of a ship, but not sure exactly what the rank was.
In the last post, I mentioned Stephen Champlin being promoted to sailing master in 1812. As such, he commanded the USS Asp.
The master, or sailing master, was a historical rank not used anymore. It was a naval officer trained in the operation of a sailing vessel. The rank can be equated with that of a professional seaman and specialist in navigation.
In the British Royal Navy, the master was originally a warrant officer who ranked as a lower lieutenant.
When the United States Navy was formed in 1794, the master was listed as one of the warrant officer ranks and ranked between midshipman and lieutenants. It was also a commissioned officer rank until 1837 until it was replaced with the current rank of lieutenant, junior grade in 1883.
Stephen Champlin-- Part 6: At York and Fort George
Stephen Champlin was appointed to the rank of sailing master on May 22, 1812; lieutenant on December 9, 1814; commander on June 22, 1838; captain on August 4, 1840 and commodore on April 4, 1867.
He was sent by Perry to the Great Lakes in 1813, in advance of Perry's main force. Champlin left with 42 men and 2 officers and traveled by land from Albany, N.Y. to Sacketts Harbor on Lake Erie. During the winter, he and his men fitted out the schooner Asp in preparation for an attack on Little York (Toronto) during which he was second in command.
After York, he took part in the Battle of Fort George.
After this, Perry ordered Champlin to Boston to try to secure men from the Bainbridge. Upon return to Sackets Harbor, Chauncey asked him to go to Utica, NY, and collect a $36,000 draft and pay Mr. Van Rensselaer and return with the balance.
Two days after returning to Sackets Harbor, Chauncey ordered him to report to Perry with 3 officers and 71 men at Erie, Pennsylvania.
--Busy Guy. --Brock-Perry
Monday, July 1, 2019
Stephen Champlin-- Part 5: First Cousin of Oliver Hazard Perry
Upon his return, the ship's owners were so impressed at how well Champlin had performed that they immediately promoted him to captain, despite the fact he was just 22 years old.
Before he could go on another voyage another 90 day embargo was imposed due to the expectation that war with England was imminent. During this time, Champlin was offered a warrant as a sailing master in the U.S. Navy. He accepted this pending the declaration of war.
When the war did begin, he was appointed commander of a gunboat anchored at Norwich. he fitted her out and joined up with Oliver Hazard Perry's fleet at Newport. He didn't see any action along the coast and had to settle for delivering messages from Perry to New London.
Oliver Hazard Perry was his first cousin. Oliver's father and Stephen's mother were siblings. In addition, Perry's wife was the daughter of Benjamin Mason and Margaret Champlin- a distant relative.
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