From the August 17, 2020, KPVI 6 NBC News (Pocatello, Idaho) "Daughters of 1812 organizing in Montana."
The National Society United States Daughters of 1812, a lineage group, is organizing a Montana State Society. Women from Butte, Hamilton, Corvallis, Bozeman, Lewistown, , Jefferson City, Havre, Helena, Great Falls and Red Lodge are joining women from Couer d' Alene, Nampa, idaho and South Dakota to form the organization.
The initial organizational meeting will be held Saturday, September 26, at the Jefferson Community Center in Jefferson City. Attendance can either be in person or by Zoom.
I am always happy to see am organization devoted to history forming, but I can see a definite problem with a group that spread out. Meetings are always going to be difficult as it involves a whole lot of travel for many of the members.
This is a big problem with a group I belong to, the Sons of Confederate Veterans which has a camp in Chicago, the Camp Douglas Camp, #516. The members are just spread too far apart for attendance at meetings.
But, anyway, I'm happy to see this group forming and hope they find a way to overcome the distance problem.