Battle of New Orleans.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Fort Holmes on Mackinac Island-- Part 1

From Wikipedia.

Fort Holmes is a fortified earthen redoubt located on the highest point of Mackinac Island.  Originally built by the British in 1814 during the War of 1812, it was improved by the Army throughout the rest of the war.  It was built to find additional defense to nearby Fort Mackinac which was at a lower elevation.

The British named the redoubt Fort George (not to confused with Fort George in Ontario) and reinforced it with cannon, a blockhouse and a magazine for gunpowder and other munitions.  However, it never functioned as an independent fortification, but always dependent on nearby Fort Mackinac.

When U.S. forces reoccupied Mackinac Island in 1815 under the terms of the Treaty of Ghent, they took possession of Fort George.  After surveying and measuring it, they renamed it Fort Holmes in honor of Major Andrew Holmes, who was killed in the 1814 Battle of Mackinac Island.

However, they soon abandoned Fort Holmes.  The earthworks and buildings of the former redoubt slowly eroded and disappeared over the course of more than a century.


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