Battle of New Orleans.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Follow Up On the USS Ticonderoga-- Part 1

From the Dec. 30, 2012, Fox News "War of 1812 naval relic still stored in New York shed" by AP.

Coming up in 2013 will be the 200th anniversary of the battle in which the USS Ticonderoga gained fame.  However, the hull is in serious danger as it sits outside in an open shed at the mercy of the elements. 

It needs to be moved into a climate-controlled facility and this will be way too much money for small town of Whitehall with its 3000 population, located 65 miles northeast of Albany, near the Vermont border.

Whitehall claims to be the birthplace of the U.S. Navy because in 1776, during the American Revolution, Benedict Arnold (yes, that Benedict) oversaw construction of a small fleet at what is now Whitehall.  In October of that year, the fleet sailed to Valcour Island, off Plattsburgh, and engaged a British squadron.  The Americans lost, but delayed the British invasion of New York until the following year.

It should be noted that several New England communities also lay claim to  the birthplace.

More to Come.  --Brock-Perry

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