Battle of New Orleans.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

USS Ohio (1812) Schooner

From Wikipedia.

The USS Ohio was a merchant schooner acquired by the U.S. Navy and converted into a warship in 1812 and commissioned in 1813.  It served in the Lake Erie squadron commanded by Captain Oliver Hazard Perry.  (82 tons, 35 men, one 24-pdr. cannon)

Once commissioned, it and four other purchased ships were  delayed from entering lake Erie by a British blockade at Black Rock which was finally broken by a joint Army-Navy operation.  They joined the other American ships being built at Presque Isle Bay at Erie, Pennsylvania.on July 8, 1813,

It was off collecting food and did not participate at the famous American victory at the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10, 1813.

In 1814, it was patrolling between Long point and Erie and in May assisted in fitting out captured prizes Detroit and Queen Charlotte at Put-in-Bay before convoying them to Erie.

On August 12, 2014, 200 years ago today, it was captured along with the USS Somers within pistol-shot of American-held Fort Erie.  It became the Huron in British service.


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