Battle of New Orleans.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Battle of Ice Mound-- Part 5

The tender had come to within 400 yards off shore before being frozen in.

Maryland militia had, meanwhile, been gathered by Private Joseph Fookes Stewart (1777-1839.  They were apart of Captain Thomas Woolford's Company of the 48th Maryland Regiment.  They heard that the tender was stuck between ice from the shore and a cake of ice that had drifted in from the bay and just 400 yards from the shore.  Also, there was "a mound of ice, which had formed at about 150 yards from the tender."

Sounded like an excellent time to strike, and they did.

The tender was commanded by Lt. Matthew Phibbs, RN.  Also on the tender was a midshipman, 3 Royal Marines and 13 sailors, including a black man named Abraham Travers and a black woman cook named Becca.


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