Battle of New Orleans.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Real, Shameful Story Behind 'Don't Give Up the Ship"-- Part 5: Big British Advantage

Meanwhile, Captain Lawrence's adversary on the HMS Shannon had commanded that ship for seven years and an experienced crew that was so well trained that he didn't have to issue many orders.  They knew what they were doing.  They had trained long and hard on their gunnery and were additionally helped by special sights designed by Captain Broke and affixed to the top of their cannons.

Broke brought the Shannon to within a few miles of Boston and hove to, waiting for the USS Chesapeake.  Captain Lawrence brought his ship down on the near stationary Shannon from upwind, giving him a huge advantage.  But, for some reason, perhaps an act of bravado, swung around to be parallel with the British ship.

Both ships then exchanged broadsides at close range.


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