Battle of New Orleans.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Fort Montgomery on Lake Champlain-- Part 5: Joseph Totten

Directly behind the fort itself, between it and the actual shoreline, a massive manmade island was constructed.  Standing higher than the fort itself,  the earthen berm was known as the "cover face" and protected the fort against an enemy on land being able to utilize heavy siege guns to reduce the walls.

It was connected to land by a narrow stone causeway and to the fort itself by a bridge.  Also, during the fort's latter construction, Chief Engineer of the Army, Joseph Totten, invented an iron reinforced embrasure for cannons which would better protect the gunners.

This upgrade was added to the fort's design in the upper tier.  The two lower ones had aleady been completed so were left with the brick embrasures.

Totten was no stranger to the area either, having served as a major under Generals Izard and Macomb during the 1814 Battle of Plattsburgh where he had been in charge of constructing the American defenses.

Later, he was brevetted to lieutenant colonel for gallantry under fire.


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