Battle of New Orleans.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Andrew Hunter Holmes' Virginia Sword-- Part 1

From the December 5, 1827,  Richmond Whig newspaper "Governor's Communication.

"Upon my first entering into office, I received a sword which had been voted by resolution of the General Assembly in the year 1816, to captain Robert Henley in honor of his gallant military exploits during the last war; and sometimes afterwards, I received two other swords, voted in like manner, to the nearest male relatives of the lamented captain John Ritchie, and major Andrew Hunter Holmes, both of whom fell in the defence of their country's rights.

"These swords were executed by Mr. Harvey Lewis, under the direction of general Cadwallander of Philadelphia, in a style of superior taste and elegance, highly honorable to the artist, and will ever do honor to the patriotic objects of the General Assembly.

"Gen. Cadwallander has received my thanks in behalf of this Commonwealth, for his polite attention on this occasion."


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