Battle of New Orleans.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Timeline for March 1814-- Part 3


The Second Battle of Lacolle, Lower Canada. After his failed Montreal Campaign of 1813, U.S. Major General James Wilkinson made one last attempt to invade Lower Canada and restore his reputation.

He left Champlain, New York, with 4,000 troops and occupied Odelltown and then attacked Lacolle, a fortified British outpost, defended by a garrison of 180 in a fortified mill guarding the crossing of the Lacolle River.

American artillery had little effect on the mill and after the British received reinforcements, Wilkinson withdrew.


And meanwhile, over in Europe, something that did not bode well for the Americans. Allied armies of Prussia, Austria and Russia enter Paris, France, defeating Napoleon and restoring the Bourbon monarch Louis XVIII.

Now, Britain Can Concentrate on the United States. --Brock-Perry

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