Battle of New Orleans.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wilmington's Great "Skeeter" Battle-- Part 3: What Actually Happened

So, now we have a tense stand-off going on between the Wilmington soldiers and those being inhumanely pestered by mosquitoes at Greenfield.  In case you're wondering about the gaunt, hoosier-looking captain who said the mosquitoes were sucking their blood to the general, hoosier-looking mans inexperienced, awkward or unsophisticated.  (I have to wonder if Indiana is aware of this definition?)

That hoosier-looking Captain continued: "Howsomdeavor if they were to be baggonetted [bayoneted] to death he supposed they must submit.  He didn't like it nohow;but it was he, the general, who requested it, he supposed they moust stay a leetle longer.

"The general spoke soothingly to them; talked about patriotism,, love of country, and all that sort of thing.

Looking Like the Whole Thing's Not Going to Result in Bloodshed.  --Brock-Perry

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