Battle of New Orleans.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

American Lt. Francis H. Gregory

From "The Naval War of 1812" by Theodore Roosevelt.

I posted about the June 19, 1814, capture of the British warship Black Snake off Kingston, Upper Canada, and then, followed up with a short biography of Gregory the next day.  Here is some more about him and his accomplishment 200 years ago as written by the U.S. president.

"Lt. Francis H. Gregory, on June 16, 1814 left Sackets Harbor after Yeo (the British commander) had ceased his blockade with two sailing masters, 22 men, in 3 gigs to intercept British provisional schooners.

"On the 19th he discovered the British gunboat Black Snake, with one 18-pound carronade and 18 men, commanded by Captain H. Landon.  Gregory attacked and captured it without loss, but was obliged to burn it, but brought prisoners, mainly Royal Marines to port (Sackets Harbor).

On July 1st, he again set off in two gigs and on the 5th, burned a 14-gun schooner about to be launched at Presque Isle and got away again."


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